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Agent DIV File

AGJOB jobs that are selected for transport may also have selected information written to the AGENTDIV data set. This only occurs if the USER field in the Agent job is not blank. In these situations, the Jobname, Agent Job Type, Agent, and User (as seen on the DB.11 panel) are written to the AGENTDIV data set as a single line.

This file lets your site's security administrator cross reference this information with security records that may have been added using the AGPSWD command. Agent jobs typically require a User ID and Password to run on the remote platform. CA WA CA 7 Edition uses the AGPSWD command to define these entities. Site personnel who have authority to issue the AGPSWD command must manually set up these security definitions on the CA WA CA 7 Edition instance to which agent jobs are being transported. We recommend using the AGENTDIV file output to assist in determining what security definitions are required.

In addition, for each record written to the AGENTDIV file, three lines are written to the SASSDT30-11 control report that is referenced by ddname DT30CR11:

Following is a sample of the SASSDT30-11 report.

SASSDT30-11 Agent Jobs DIV File XREF

SASSDT30-11 CA-7 DATA BASE TRANSPORTABILITY PAGE NO. 1 DATE: mm/dd/yy AGENT JOBS DIV FILE XREF *- COMMANDS GENERATED ------------------------------------------------* SEQ.-NO. CA750003 UNIX_JOB UNIXAGENT U7000001 userid0003000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 U7000002 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 U7000003 CA750006 UNIX_JOB UNIXAGENT U7000004 userid0006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006 U7000005 U7000006