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Job Triggers

For each job referenced as a triggered job by any of the jobs being moved, a set of commands to perform the DBM SCHD,JTRG function is generated into the DBMADDS2 data set as follows:

   UPD,JTRG,JOB=jobname,OPT=A,SCHID=nnn,TJOB=triggeredjob [,TRGID=nnn]
     [,DOTM=hhmm] [,QTM=hhmm] [,LEADTM=hhmm] [,SBTM=hhmm]

The UPD command sequence is repeated as necessary, following the SCHD and TRGR commands, to accommodate all jobs triggered by the same job.

These commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80 and are listed on the SASSDT30-02 control report.