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Job Schedules

For defined schedule IDs for those jobs being moved, a set of commands to perform the necessary DBM SCHD,JOB function is generated into the DBMADDS2 data set as follows:

   frequency values, etc. ...

All of the values used here are as they were defined in the database including the Base Calendar ID. If the same Base Calendar names are not being used at the new site, these have to be manually edited by the user to the correct value.

Whenever multiple schedule IDs are to be added for a single job, the ADD,... sequence is repeated as necessary, between the EDIT and SAVE commands, to define all those schedules at one time.

These commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80 and listed on the SASSDT30-02 control report.

If the job had a current schedule modification, made with the online DB.2.7 panel function, a message to that effect is appended to the end of the listed records on report SASSDT30-02. Any such changes have to be investigated and reapplied manually at the new site after this schedule is defined in that database.