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CA WA CA 7 Edition supports six categories of user-defined documentation. The transportability process handles five of these. Any user level documentation (as defined through the DB.4.3 panel) is not handled. User documentation that has to be moved must be moved manually.

For each documentation member that is to be moved, a set of commands to perform the DBM PROSE function is generated into the DBMADDS1 data set in the following format:

   I ,
   .  (documentation data goes here)
   DESC=description value ........... ,

All commands generated are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80. Any documentation extending past position 72 is truncated when moved to the new CA WA CA 7 Edition database.

The type and membervalues parameters in the second SAVE command are one of the following based on the type of documentation being moved:

   Type         Parameters

   System      SYS,SYSTEM=systemname
   DD           DD,JOB=jobname,STEP=stepname,DD=ddname
   Job         JOB,JOB=jobname
   Network    NWK,NETWORK=networkname
   Dataset    DSN,DSN=datasetname

For a user option for DD level documentation movement, see the DDPROSE keyword in Job 2.

The value for a DESC keyword comes from any documentation description defined in the database. If no documentation description exists, the DESC keyword is not produced. To avoid any possible conflicts with batch command syntax, any commas found in the DESC text are replaced with spaces.

Values for the FORM, CARR, TRAIN, COPIES, and REPORT fields come from any corresponding values defined in the database. If no values were defined for these items, the commands are not produced. Any commas found within a defined report ID value are replaced with spaces.

Only the PROSE and SAVE,type,... commands are listed on the SASSDT30-01 control report. The other commands are only written to the DBMADDS1 data set.

More information:

Job 2