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Add at New Site

For each job to be moved, a set of commands is generated into the DBMADDS1 data set to perform the necessary DBM JOB function. Those commands are generated as follows:

For CPU jobs:

   ADD,jobname,.........keywords and values...............,
   ................more keywords and values...............,

For XPJOB jobs:

   ADD,jobname,.........keywords and values...............,
   ................more keywords and values...............,

For agent jobs:

   ADD,jobname,.........keywords and values...............,
   ................more keywords and values...............,

Some historical information such as number of times run and number of times late are not carried forward to the new site because the DB.1 panel has no input fields for those values. The average CPU and elapsed time requirements are carried forward.

A number of keywords may be required to complete the definition of a job. Many of the available parameters are optional.

To minimize the number of parameters used, most parameters are not included in the generated commands if the value equals the usual CA WA CA 7 Edition default. Multiple records may still be required to accommodate all of the needed keywords and values. Normal BTI continuation conventions are observed for those records.

The LOAD function needs to be performed for each of the jobs sometime after they are defined at the new site; therefore, the keyword RELOAD is included for all jobs with a value of Y (that is, RELOAD=Y). This allows the jobs to be defined at the new site without having to do a LOAD on each one of them at the time they are defined. This defers that process until the job runs for the first time at the new site. If the number of jobs is very high, it would take considerable time to perform individual LOADs all at once. The RELOAD option is bypassed for both XPJOB and AGJOB jobs because they have no real JCL to load.

Because it is likely that the JCL library ID values are different at the new site, ADD commands for all job definitions include the keyword JCLID, even if the default ID of zero was used. This makes it easier for the user to apply global changes to the commands if necessary.

These commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80. They are also listed (with other DBM add functions for other related components being moved) on the SASSDT30-01 Database Adds - Part 1 report. The following is an example of that report:

SASSDT30-01 Data Base Adds - Part 1

SASSDT30-01 CA-7 DATA BASE TRANSPORTABILITY PAGE NO. 265 DATE: mm/dd/yy DATA BASE ADDS - PART 1 *- COMMANDS GENERATED ------------------------------------------------* SEQ.-NO. JOB U7017351 ADD,DUSAXX09,SYSTEM=PAYROLL,JOBNET=MONTHLY,USERID=164,JCLID=002, U7017352 RELOAD=Y,RETJCL=Y,INSRTRMS=Y,CONDCODE=004,RELOPR=LT,PRTY=200 U7017353 JCL U7017354 SAVE,DUSAXX09,JCLID=002 U7017355 XPJOB U7017356 ADD,XPSICOM1,CLASS=A,LTERM=MASTER, U7017357 NODE=TESTPLN, U7017358 EX1=(c:\nsm\bin\cau9test ), U7017359 XPTRACE=N U7017360 AGJOB U7017361 ADD,CA750006,MEMBER=CA750006,PRMLIB=200,CLASS=A,LTERM=MASTER, U7017362 AGJOBTYP=UNIX_JOB, U7017363 AGENT=UNIXAGENT, U7017364 AG1=(USERID0006 ) U7017365 NO. OF 'ADDS' FOR. JOBS- 175 SYS PROSE- 2 JCL- 136 JOB PROSE- 174 NWKS- 248 NWK PROSE- 248 DSNS- 421 DD PROSE- 0 DSN PROSE- 329

More information:

DB.1 - CPU Job Definition Panel

DB.10 - XP Job Definition Panel

DB.11 - Agent Job Definition Panel