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Default Requests for CA WA CA 7 Edition Edit Functions

In an ISPF connected CA WA CA 7 Edition terminal session, a CA 7 editor function is always requested when the editor is exited. This function can be requested either explicitly, as in the case of one of the edit macros. Also, the function can be requested by default if the editor is exited in any other way. For example, PF03 is set to END and PF03 is pressed.

The CA 7 edit action that is requested by default is named in a message that appears when the editor is entered.


xxxx can be either EXIT, SAVE, SS, or SR. The default action is set to SR initially. The default setting can be changed for subsequent edit sessions by issuing an edit macro. For example, if the default that appears in the message is SR, and if the CA7SS edit macro is used to terminate an edit session, on the next session, the default setting that appears in the message is SS. This is the action that CA WA CA 7 Edition performs if the edit session is terminated and data is saved. If data is not saved, CA7EXIT is requested by default. For example, suppose that the following message appears when the editor is entered for a member on a JCL library:


Also suppose that an ISPF SAVE command is issued during the edit session. If the edit session is terminated without issuing a CA WA CA 7 Edition edit macro, a CA WA CA 7 Edition SR is requested. In this case, if the user did not want the data to replace the JCL member, a CA7EXIT would be required. An ISPF CANCEL would not suffice to prevent the SR from being issued, because an ISPF SAVE command was entered. The only way to avoid an implicit request for the default action is to enter the appropriate CA WA CA 7 Edition edit macro. AUTOSAVE ON is a common edit profile setting and in many cases data can be saved automatically if data is changed. It is very important to be aware of the default CA WA CA 7 Edition edit function that can be issued when leaving the edit session.

In the following example, text for an existing member of a JCL PDS is updated.

  1. Request the JCL panel by typing DB.7 on the top line.
  2. Enter FE in the field marked FUNCTION. Enter the member name in the field marked MEMBER. Enter all other information necessary to locate the member (JCLID or DSN, and so forth), and press Enter.
  3. The ISPF editor is invoked and data from the active area appears. Use ISPF editor commands to make wanted changes.
  4. Enter CA7SR from the command line to save the changes. To exit the editor without saving any changes, enter CA7EXIT from the command line. If the default CA WA CA 7 Edition edit function is acceptable and if data was changed and if AUTOSAVE ON is set in the edit profile, simply exit the editor using the ISPF END command (through a PF KEY if wanted).