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TSO/ISPF Editor Environment

The CA WA CA 7 Edition TSO/ISPF Interface allows for the fully integrated use of the ISPF editor where text editing is required. Some of the previously described features are available in the ISPF environment too. Some important differences exist, and these differences are noted in this subtopic.

This subtopic explains the use of the ISPF editor only as supported under the CA WA CA 7 Edition TSO/ISPF Interface.

In the following explanations, two types of CA WA CA 7 Edition online terminal sessions are compared and contrasted:

A CA WA CA 7 Edition online terminal session that is acquired outside of ISPF is considered directly connected. A CA WA CA 7 Edition terminal session that is acquired from an ISPF session is considered an ISPF connected session.

Regardless of how the terminal session is connected, the file that is edited in CA WA CA 7 Edition is always an EWF or Editor Work File. The format of the EWF differs depending on the type of terminal session where the editing occurs.

When the editing takes place in a directly connected session (in a session where the TSO/ISPF interface is not being used), the EWF is a file internal to CA WA CA 7 Edition. CA WA CA 7 Edition handles the manipulation of data on the file entirely in its address space in response to CA 7 editor commands that the user entered.

In an ISPF connected session (in a CA WA CA 7 Edition terminal session acquired under ISPF), the EWF is a temporary data set that is dynamically allocated and is maintained by programs running under the ISPF session. All data manipulation takes place in the TSO user's address space using the ISPF editor.

In the TSO user's address space, the ISPF editor is used strictly for data manipulation. The primary source or target file (for example, a JCL library) is never updated by the ISPF session. All updates are handled by CA WA CA 7 Edition from the CA WA CA 7 Edition address space. The previous discussion detailing the flow of data between primary source/target, active area and EWF is valid not only for editing from a directly connected session but also from an ISPF connected session.