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Additional Override Examples

The following statements are more override examples.

Example 1

This example assumes that job DUSAZZ01 runs Monday through Friday. Monday through Thursday has been defined as SCHID=1 and Friday as SCHID=2. Manual verification is only required on the Friday run.

//DUSAZZ01 JOB ...

Example 2

This example assumes that job DUSAZZ01 runs Monday through Friday. Monday through Thursday has been set up as SCHID=1 and Friday as SCHID=2. Job resources have been set up as follows:

Tape drives of TYPE1   = 0
Tape drives of TYPE2   = 0
CPU time (mmmss)       = 00130
Elapsed time (hhmm)    = 0012
Class                  = A

The preceding resources are needed only from Monday through Thursday. On Friday, the job uses two TYPE1 tape drives and requires 2 minutes and 40 seconds of CPU time and 20 minutes of elapsed time. To change the resource requirements only for the Friday run, enter:

//DUSAZZ01 JOB ...

Example 3

This example assumes that job XYZ runs daily, Monday through Friday. But on Friday, a control statement must be included to indicate a week-ending run and extra file is to be output. Monday through Thursday is defined as SCHID=1 and Friday is defined as SCHID=2. The following sample JCL is for job XYZ:

//XYZ JOB ...
//SYSIN     DD  *

Example 4

This example assumes that a job has 10 steps. On STEP01, consider any condition code other than 5 as invalid. If the condition code returned from any step other than STEP01 is not equal to 0, move the job back to the request queue and flag it for restart.


Example 5

This example assumes that a job has 5 steps. On STEP01 any condition codes other than 0, 8, 16, and 32 should be considered invalid. STEP02-STEP04 has no condition code checking. STEP05 should be considered invalid if the condition code is not 0 or 54.

Note: The range specified in the first test is 7-1, this is considered equivalent to 1-7.


Example 6

This example assumes that a job has 10 steps. On STEP03, consider any condition code other than 100 as invalid. Only two condition codes are valid for STEP07: 0 and 100. Consider any condition other than 0 as invalid on all remaining job steps. Code the following #SCC statements to effect the correct tests:


Example 7

This example assumes that the JOBCHECK step must complete with a condition code of zero for the job to complete typically. Code the following #SCC statements:


More information:

JCL Validation