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Additional Override Statements

CA WA CA 7 Edition also provides a number of other functions that can be accomplished with statements that also begin with a # in position 1. These statements can be located anywhere within the execution JCL after the JOB statement. (PROCLIB members containing these statements are not seen by CA WA CA 7 Edition and including them there would thus serve no purpose.) They can be scheduled with #Jx statements if wanted; however, they can be included by themselves if conditional inclusion is not necessary. Only the #MSG statement can be scheduled with the #Xx statement.

These statements are valid only when a job using them is brought into the request queue and not at submit time. Thus, the #X statements cannot be used to schedule them (other than the #MSG statement).

Note: Do not use the following override statements with internal cross-platform job types: #MNT (Maintenance run) and #7UNI (batch cross-platform submission).

The following statements can be placed in the execution JCL:


Overrides the ARFSET designation on the job definition panel when the JCL is attached for the job.


Places the job in HOLD. Similar to the HOLD command and the job definition panel HOLD option.


Sets a JCL override requirement.


Considers this run a maintenance type run. Similar to the DB.1 panel MAINT option.


Sends the messages to the master station at job submission time.


Makes this run nonexecutable. Similar to the job definition panel EXEC option.


Turns off triggering by successful job completion for this run. Similar to the DEMAND command with SET=NTR option.


Changes any Workload Balancing resource requirement for this run. Similar to the RESCHNG command.


Defines step-level condition code checking criteria.


Sets manual verification requirement. Similar to the VERIFY command and the job definition panel VERIFY option.


Flags JCL as a cross-platform submission job. The statement must be the first statement in the member.