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Usage Notes

When a job initially enters the request queue, CA WA CA 7 Edition determines whether ARF is to monitor the job. CA WA CA 7 Edition selects an ARFSET to be used for monitoring and recovery that is based on the following hierarchy:

  1. If an ARFSET is supplied on the DEMAND or RUN command, it is used.
  2. If no ARFSET is supplied on a DEMAND or RUN command for the job, the ARFSET named on the appropriate #ARF statement in the JCL is used.
  3. If no ARFSET is supplied on a DEMAND or RUN command for the job, and if no ARFSET is named on a #ARF statement in the JCL, the ARFSET named on the job definition panel is used.
  4. If none of the preceding sources supplies an ARFSET reference, ARF does not monitor the job.