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#XI, #XO, and #XEND Statements

If the user prefers # statements to remain until submission time, the characters #XI, #XO, and #XEND must be substituted for #JI, #JO, and #JEND respectively. The format and field descriptions of the #XI, #XO, and #XEND statements are the same as the #JI, #JO, and #JEND statements. All scheduling parameters have the same meaning when either the #X or #J statements are used. The only difference between #X and #J is that the overrides are applied at submission time for the #X statements. If any errors are encountered in the #XI or #XO override statements at submission time, the job is flushed with an error message.

Any time after the job enters the queues and before JCL submission, #X statements can be reviewed, changed, or both with the QM.5 panel.