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AJ - Schedule a Recovery Job

Statement Identifier



The AJ action statement is used to schedule a job (known as an 'ARFJ' job) to run on behalf of the job that is in recovery. ARF will not proceed to the next ARF action statement until this action statement is considered complete. An AJ action statement is complete when the ARFJ job completes successfully or when the specified number of retries is exhausted.

Note: The completion of an ARFJ job does not satisfy requirements, nor does it cause triggering of other jobs. However, CA WA CA 7 Edition tracks the progress of the ARFJ job and records its completion status in the run log and in messages to the master station.

Also, ARFSET designations (such as those on the job definition panel or on #ARF statements in the JCL) are ignored for ARFJ jobs. Thus, ARFJ jobs are not monitored for ARF recovery.


The allowable keywords are the following:


The value of this keyword names the job that is to run on behalf of the job that is in recovery. This keyword is required and has no default.


If the ARFJ job does not complete successfully, ARF can request the job again. The value of the RETRY parameter is the maximum number of times the job can be retried. The acceptable values are 0-9. The default value is RETRY=0.


If the ARFJ job does not complete successfully, ARF can request the job again. The value on the DELAY keyword specifies the number of minutes before retrying. This value must be specified as a decimal number of minutes from 0 to 9999. The default value is DELAY=0000.


If the ARFJ job does not complete successfully and if all retries are exhausted, then the ACTION keyword value determines the disposition of the ARFJ job. This keyword is required and has no default. Acceptable values are the following:


Suspend ARF recovery for this job. The LARFQ display indicates that the job is in error status.


Take no action. Continue with next ARF action statement in sequence.


Jump to the ARF recovery action indicated.


The example illustrates the use of the AJ action statement to request an ARFJ job named X. If the job does not complete successfully, retry after waiting 1 minute. If the job still does not complete successfully jump to the 4th action statement in the definition.