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Use Reserved Words in Type Specific Tests

Certain values are not capable of being exactly defined at the time an ARF condition is defined. For example, the due-out time cannot be known until the job enters the request queue. For such values, ARF provides a limited number of reserved words that can be used in certain fields on the AR.3.1 panel. The value of an ARF reserved word is resolved at the time the value is needed for ARF condition evaluation.

The following table describes each of these reserved words:



Relevant AR.3 Panel Fields


The due-out date of the job.

FROM: (first input field)
TO: (first input field)


The due-out time of the job.

FROM: (second input field)
TO: (second input field)


The deadline date of the job.

FROM: (first input field)
TO: (first input field)


The deadline time of the job.

FROM: (second input field)
TO: (second input field)


The current value from JQJELTME for this job; the elapsed time used by the job.


These reserved words can be used to build arithmetic expressions as in the following example:


This expression is taken to indicate the deadline date plus 12 days.


If used in an arithmetic expression, the reserved word must be followed immediately (no spaces) by an arithmetic operator (either + or -). If an arithmetic operator is present, it must be followed immediately (no spaces) by a decimal numeric value (up to four digits). The value of the reserved word will be incremented or decremented by the amount specified. The unit of the increment/decrement depends on the reserved word. For example, if the expression is DOT+0020, this is interpreted as the due-out time plus 20 minutes.