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Usage Notes

The resource type must be corequisite (CRQ).

The resource name must begin with FLOW@.

The flowname, end job name, end schedule ID, and end target are required parameters and must be separated by periods.

The end day parameter is optional. If specified, it must be 1 digit (0-9) separated from the end target by a period. A value of 1 causes 24 hours to be added to the target time. A value of 2 causes 48 hours to be added, and so forth.

The FREE type must be specified on the definition (A or I), however, it is ignored if the CPM facility is active. Since these resources are treated as normal corequisites if the CPM facility is not active, you may want to specify I (inactive) for the FREE type.

Important! VRM resources are never attached to nonexecutable jobs. Thus, the starting job of any flow must be executable.

Note: For more information about the Critical Path Monitoring facility, see the Interface Reference Guide