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How VRM Variable Definitions Are Used

The CA WA CA 7 Edition IBM WLM Interface uses VRM variable definitions to control the SCHENV keyword insertion.

The setting of the WLMSE keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the CA WA CA 7 Edition initialization file governs SCHENV keyword insertion. If N or NO is coded, CA WA CA 7 Edition does not attempt the SCHENV keyword insertion. WLMSE=Y or WLMSE=YES indicates that CA WA CA 7 Edition is to insert the SCHENV keyword. If a value other than these values is coded, CA WA CA 7 Edition assumes that it is a global default. The global default is inserted when CA WA CA 7 Edition is unable to determine a more specific value for the job.

CA WA CA 7 Edition scans first for an entry with a SCHID value matching the value of the job being submitted. If a match occurs, the value from the resource name is inserted on the JOB statement. If no match occurs, CA WA CA 7 Edition scans for an entry with a SCHID value of 0. If found, CA WA CA 7 Edition uses it as the SCHENV value on the JOB statement. If no variable definition with a SCHID matching the SCHID of the job being submitted is present and if no definition with a SCHID value of 0 is present, CA WA CA 7 Edition attempts to use the global value that is defined in the initialization file if one is available. If no global value has been defined on the WLMSE keyword of the OPTIONS statement, the job is submitted without any SCHENV keyword.