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Other Dependencies

For a CPU job, the DB.1 panel contains fields such as HOLD, VERIFY, and JCL-OVRD. With these fields, some predecessor requirements can be permanently defined for a job. Top line commands HOLD, VERIFY, JCLOVRD, and ADDRQ are available for dynamically defining predecessor requirements on a temporary basis. The QM.1 panel lets you dynamically add some of these same predecessor requirements to jobs on a temporary basis.

For internal cross-platform jobs, the DB.10 and DB.A.x panels contain the fields HOLD and VERIFY. These fields permit the dynamic definition of predecessor requirements once the job is in the request queue.

A job's JCL or PARM data can also include, on a scheduled basis if wanted, commands to cause some of the same predecessor requirements to be applied to the job when the job is scheduled into the queues. This is accomplished with a special set of commands that are known as scheduled overrides. Based on how these overrides are scheduled, they can be permanent or temporary without having been defined to the database.

More information:

Scheduled Overrides