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DB.2.8 - Base Calendar Maintenance Panel

The DB.2.8 - Base Calendar Maintenance panel lets you list, add, update, and delete the base calendars. New and updated calendars are immediately available to other functions, such as Resolve, without the need for a SCAL statement in the initialization file.

To use the online base calendar maintenance, define the calendar PDS to CA WA CA 7 Edition through the CALENDAR statement in the initialization file.

Note: For more information about the CALENDAR statement, see the Systems Programming Guide.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

---------------------- CA-7 BASE CALENDAR MAINTENANCE ---------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (FORMAT,LIST,ADD,UPD,DELETE,REFRESH) CALENDAR: xxxxxxxx SCHONLY: x YEAR: nn 1 1 2 2 3 ....5....0....5....0....5....01 BEGIN END JAN nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 01 / 01 01 / 31 FEB nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 02 / 01 02 / 28 MAR nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 03 / 01 03 / 31 APR nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 04 / 01 04 / 30 MAY nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 05 / 01 05 / 31 JUN nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 06 / 01 06 / 30 JUL nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 07 / 01 07 / 31 AUG nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 08 / 01 08 / 31 SEP nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 09 / 01 09 / 30 OCT nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 10 / 01 10 / 31 NOV nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 11 / 01 11 / 30 DEC nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 12 / 01 12 / 31 PROGRAM: SM85 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.2.8 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:

Note: DB.2.8 has no batch keywords because this function is an online only function.


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Clears the panel of user input data.


Lists data for the calendar that is specified in the CALENDAR field.


Adds the calendar that is displayed. The YEAR field is required if the calendar name is not in standard SCALyyxx format.


Updates the calendar displayed. Any changes made to the calendar take effect immediately. That is, if you update a calendar and then do a RESOLVe against a job using that calendar, the updated version of the calendar is used. The YEAR field is required if the calendar name is not in standard SCALyyxx format.


Deletes the calendar that is specified in the CALENDAR field. The copy of the calendar that is saved in the calendar PDS is deleted. The delete function has no effect on calendars that reside in load libraries.


Fetches the load module copy of the calendar that is specified in the CALENDAR field and uses it to replace the copy in the CA WA CA 7 Edition calendar PDS.


Specifies the name of the CA WA CA 7 Edition calendar you want to act on. For CA WA CA 7 Edition to use a calendar for resolving job/network schedules, the name must be in the format SCALyyxx. The yy is the last two digits of the year it represents, and xx is a two-position suffix to identify the calendar uniquely. You can create and save calendars under other names to use as models or templates for the creation of other calendars, but CA WA CA 7 Edition processes only names in the SCALyyxx format.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) If Y (YES) is specified, CA WA CA 7 Edition counts only available processing days when resolving a schedule with a number of days relative to the beginning or end of the month (RDAY). The RDAY is set on the DB.2.1 panel.

If SCHONLY is set to N (NO), CA WA CA 7 Edition counts all days when calculating days relative to the beginning or end of the month.

Default: N (NO)


Specifies the year that the calendar represents. When using the standard CA WA CA 7 Edition calendar naming convention (SCALyyxx), the YEAR should match positions 5 and 6 of the calendar name.

Limits: 2 numeric characters

Required: Yes - for ADD or UPD functions if the calendar name is not in standard SCALyyxx format


Represents each month by a string of zeros and ones. Each digit represents a particular day of that month. If the digit for a day is 1 (one), it indicates that it is a processing day. If the digit is 0 (zero), it indicates that it is not a processing day. The number of digits in an individual string should represent the number of days in that calendar month.

Required: Yes - for ADD or UPD functions


Specifies the beginning and ending days of that month for each month. Use this field when the calendar being defined has nonstandard months. For example, a fiscal or accounting calendar. A year-end boundary can only be crossed in the first or twelfth month.

Required: Yes - for ADD or UPD functions

More information:

DB.2.1 - Job Scheduling Panel