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DB.2.1 - Job Scheduling Panel

Note: Although this panel and command specifically mention the CPU jobs, these functions are also available with all cross-platform jobs (for example, XPJOBs or agent jobs).

The DB.2.1 - Job Scheduling panel lets you define or review options that are taken for CPU jobs with date/time schedules.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------------- CA-7 CPU JOB SCHEDULING -------------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (CLEAR,DELETE,EDIT,FE,FETCH,REPL,RESOLV,SAVE) JOB: xxxxxxxx JOBL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SCAL: xx (DEFAULT SCAL ID FOR ADDS) SCHID-COUNT: nnn PROGRAM: SM71 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.2.1 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Clears the panel input data fields and resets the SCHID-COUNT to 0.


Deletes a job schedule member from the database.


Transfers the user to the EDIT facility as shown on the Job Scheduling Parameter Edit panel, which enables the addition or modification of job schedules in a work area.


A combination of the FETCH and EDIT commands. Retrieves all schedule data currently defined for the job and transfers you to the secondary scheduling panel. The scheduling information for the first schedule ID defined for the job is displayed.


Retrieves job schedule data from the database and makes all schedule information for this job available to the user through the EDIT function of this panel.


Replaces existing schedule member in the database. Any SCHMODs that have been done to the schedule are cleared. This is not the same as overlaid, which can only occur when a RESOLV is done.


Generates a RESOLV command for the job indicated using the calendar specified. Any new or modified calendar based schedule must be resolved before it takes effect.


Adds a new job schedule member to the database for this job.

Note: The FETCH function can reference one job name while the SAVE or REPL function specifies a different job name. This lets the user make some changes to the schedule of an existing job and save those changes as the schedule for a new job.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Contains a constant value of JOB for jobs.

Limits: Required for batch only.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the required job name for which schedule information is being defined.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: JOB


Specifies the long job name for which schedule information is being defined.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters, case sensitive

Batch keyword: JOBL


Specifies the last two characters of the default base calendar ID to use for schedule resolution. The complete calendar ID used is in the format SCALnnxx where nn is the current year and xx is the value entered. This value is used for all SCHIDs that do not have a specific value coded on the DB.2.1-E panel.

Limits: 2 alphanumeric characters

Required for the SAVE, REPL, and RESOLV functions.

Optional for CLEAR, DELETE, and EDIT functions.

Automatically supplied for FETCH or FE functions.

Batch keyword: SCAL


Identifies a system-generated field that shows how many schedule IDs currently exist in the Edit Work File.