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Bypassing Secondary Menus

Functions 2, 3, and 4 have secondary menu panels. To go directly from the DB Menu panel to a function that appears on one of the secondary menus, enter FUNCTION in n.n format. See the following example:

--------------------- FUNCTION ===> 2.3

Entering 2.3 on the DB Menu panel indicates that you want function 2 (SCHEDULING) and that Scheduling Menu function 3 (OUTPUT NETWORK) is the function that you want to perform.

CA WA CA 7 Edition displays the DB.2.3 panel directly and bypasses the Scheduling Menu (DB.2).

You can also bypass these secondary menu panels. Enter the equivalent top line command, placing a comma after the command and selecting a category, as follows:

For example, the top line command JOBCONN,JOB would display the DB.3.2 panel for defining, listing, or updating job predecessor without going through the DB or Job Predecessor/Successor Menu panels.