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The REQUEUE top line command moves jobs from the ready or active queues back to the request queue. This command allows the use of the CA WA CA 7 Edition job restart facilities after certain JCL, CPU, or node/agent failures, or job cancellation out of a CPU through the OS console. This function is available as the Q option in the QM.1 CPU Jobs Status Prompt panel.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Indicates the agent name or mask that an agent name must match for an agent job before it is moved back to the request queue, given a restart requirement, and flagged as having been requeued. AGENT cannot be used with CPU, MAINID, or NODE.

For any agent job that is requeued, a cancel request is sent to the agent running the job. The status of the agent or the machine on which the agent is running determines whether the request is honored.

Default: * (all agent names)

Limits: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Used with JOB to specify the CPU ID of active queue jobs that are to be requeued. The value identifies the CPU and corresponds to the CPU field displayed on the LQ command (the SMF identifier). CPU cannot be used with MAINID, NODE, or AGENT. The CPU parameter is ignored if used with a JOB parameter that references a specific job name or job number, but not if a job mask is specified.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters


(Optional) Resumes job completion for stranded jobs. When a job finishes executing, it must move to the request queue so that CA WA CA 7 Edition can process the database and queue updates required for job completion. But, if a job cannot be moved because of an I/O error or an out-of-space condition on the request queue, the job may be stranded in the ready or active queue, unable to complete.

Once the request queue error is corrected, you can use REQUEUE with FORCE=CMP to resume job completion for these jobs.


(Optional) Indicates the job number, job name, or mask that a job name must match before it is moved back to the request queue, given a restart requirement, and flagged as having been requeued. If JOB is used alone, both the active and ready queues are searched for the specified JOB. If JOB is used with Q, the search is restricted to the indicated queue. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Default: * (all jobs)

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates the long job name or mask that a long job name must match before it is moved back to the request queue, given a restart requirement, and flagged as having been requeued. If JOBL is used alone, both the active and ready queues are searched for the specified JOBL. If JOBL is used with Q, the search is restricted to the indicated queue. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 1 to 64 characters


(Optional) Used with JOB to indicate that only those jobs in the ready queue with this MAINID are to be requeued. Value must be specified as a single MAINID name. MAINID cannot be used with CPU, NODE, or AGENT. The MAINID parameter is ignored if used with a JOB parameter that references a specific job name or job number, but not if a job mask is specified.

Limits: 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters


Indicates that all MAINIDs are considered.


Where n indicates a CPU assigned number as defined in the initialization file CPU statement. For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.


Where n indicates a CPU assigned number. The / indicates "not this MAINID." The value of n can range from 1 to 7.


(Optional) Indicates the node name or mask that a node name must match for an XPJOB job, before it is moved back to the request queue, given a restart requirement, and flagged as having been requeued. NODE cannot be used with CPU, MAINID, or AGENT.

For any XPJOB that is requeued, a cancel request is sent to the node where the job is running (assuming the XPDEF file initialization parameter XPKILL=NO is not set). The status of the node or the machine the node points to, determines whether the request is honored.

Default: * (all node names)

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Used with JOB to indicate in which queue the job search is to occur.


Indicates the active queue.


Indicates the ready queue.


(Optional) Indicates to flag the job once it returns to the request queue with a status of JCLERR instead of REQUE. If not coded, the status reflects REQUE.

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