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REQUEUE Usage Notes

Exercise care when using the REQUEUE command. Specific times when it may be necessary to use this command include the following:

Use of the REQUEUE command causes the jobs to be moved back to the request queue, given a restart requirement, and flagged as having been requeued. Subsequent inquiries show a job status of R-REQUE. Then you can use the CA WA CA 7 Edition restart facilities, QM.4, XRST, or RESTART, to resubmit the job for processing.

Certain VRM resources acquired by the job can be freed when the REQUEUE command is issued. If the resource is defined on the RM.1 panel as SHR, EXC, or RCT and if it is to be freed at abnormal termination (A or F), the resource is freed when the job is requeued.

If JOB is not specified, CA WA CA 7 Edition requeues all jobs that meet the Q, MAINID, CPU, NODE, or AGENT criteria, but at least one keyword must be specified.

In the event of a system failure that strands jobs in the CA WA CA 7 Edition active queue, the requeue function must be used to place the jobs in restart status.

The Q option of the QM.1 panel is an alternative to the REQUEUE command.