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The RESTART top line command restarts a job awaiting restart in the request queue. This function is available as the F option on the QM.1 CPU Jobs Status Prompt panel. You can also use QM.4 CPU Job in the Restart Status Prompt panel to accomplish a job restart. If CA 11 is used, the CMT is updated with the appropriate restart data.

Note: For more information about CA 11, see the Interface Reference Guide.

If CA 11 is not installed, the starting and ending steps, USAGE, PROCESS, CONDCD, or SUP11STP have no significance.

Note: The cross-platform jobs never use CA 11 services for restart functions.

This command has the following format:


Indicates the unique CA 7 job name or job number of the job to restart. The job must be in the request queue. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


Indicates a specific job name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Indicates a specific CA 7 job number.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters


Indicates the unique CA 7 job name or job number of the job to restart. The job must be in the request queue. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


Indicates a specific long job name.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates whether CA 11 bypasses GDG logic on a restart/rerun. Value can be NO, YES, VER, or CAT.

Default: CA 11 default value


(Optional) Indicates an optional CA 11 condition code that the CA 11 step sets when the rerun is executed. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use and CA WA CA 7 Edition is inserting the RMS step. See the INSERT-RMS field on the DB.1 panel.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 4095


(Optional) Indicates whether to flag the job as normally completed. If FORCECOMP=YES, the job's previous abnormal status is ignored, and normal job completion processing is performed instead of a restart. Value can be NO or YES. NO is the default.


(Optional) Indicates an optional condition code value that replaces the last condition code value for the step that the LSTP references and, optionally, LPSTP keywords. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 4095


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name that has its last condition code value reset in the CA 11 CMT. Code LSTP and LCC when LPSTP is specified. LSTP requires that an STPSTRT value is specified and that the LSTP step name occurs in the job's JCL before the STPSTRT step name. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name referencing a procedure that has its last condition code value reset in the CA 11 CMT. If LPSTP is used, also code LSTP and LCC. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name referencing a procedure where processing is to start. If PROCESS=R and PROCSTRT are used, also code STPSTRT. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name referencing a procedure where processing is to end. If PROCESS=R and PROCEND are used, code STPEND. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional CA 11 processing function code character to use in the restart/rerun. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use and CA WA CA 7 Edition is inserting the RMS step. See the INSERT-RMS field on the DB.1 panel. Value can be F, P, S, N, O, or R.

Default: P

Limits: 1 alphabetic character


(Optional) Specifies a reason for the restart. If the CA 11 Reason-for-Rerun module is available, a code of up to four characters can be input and it is expanded. Any reason input or expanded is copied to the run log. This field is optional unless CA 11 requires a reason or REASON=YES was specified in the RESTART statement in the initialization file. For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide.

Limits: 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name or number at which processing is to end. If not specified, the last step of the job is assumed to be the ending step. Code STPEND when PROCEND is specified. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Indicates an optional step name or number at which processing is to start. If STPSTRT is not coded, the first step of the job is assigned to be the starting step. Code STPSTRT when PROCSTRT is specified. This option is honored only if CA 11 is in use.


Specifies the step name or number at which processing is to start.


Indicates that the job is to restart with the step values currently on the CMT record.


Indicates to rerun t the total job. If there are no restartable steps, specify *RERUN*.


Indicates that the CMT record of the job is set to production, and then the job is submitted.


(Optional) Indicates whether to suppress the insertion of the CA 11 RMS step. If the job is resubmitted with SUP11STP=YES, the CA 11 step is not inserted. Only valid if CA WA CA 7 Edition is inserting the CA 11 step. See the INSERT-RMS field on the DB.1 panel. Value can be NO or YES. NO is the default.


(Optional) Indicates an optional CA 11 usage code of the character to use in the restart/rerun. For the values, see the CA 11 documentation. This option is honored only if CA WA Restart OptionCA 11 is in use and CA WA CA 7 Edition is inserting the RMS step. See the INSERT-RMS field on the DB.1 panel.

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character

More information:

QM.1 CPU Jobs Status Prompt Panel

QM.4 CPU Job In Restart Status Prompt Panel