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RM Command

The following is a brief description of the RM commands.

Note: For more information about the commands, see the Database Maintenance Guide.


Selects the virtual resource management functions.

RM.1 Job Resource Management

Lists, adds, updates, or deletes resource connections by job. The command generates the VRM static type J and R records maintained on the VRM database component.

RM.2 Job Resource Cross-Reference

Lists jobs using resources. The jobs can be listed by a fully qualified resource name or by a generic key.

RM.3 Active Job Resources Display

Displays active resources by job. The jobs can be listed generically or with fully qualified job names.

RM.4 Pending Resources Job Display

Displays all pending resources with an associated job name. A pending resource is a nonfreed resource connected to a job that has already executed and has been purged from the request queue. This resource can only be freed by using the PRSCF command. The pending resources can be listed using a generic or fully qualified resource name.

RM.5 Jobs Waiting on Resources

Displays jobs waiting for resources. The command can show the resources that a job is waiting for when the job shows a status of W-RSRC on the List Queue (LQ) display.

RM.6 Corequisite Resources List

Lists active corequisite resources.

RM.7 Resource Count Resource Management

Lists, adds, updates, or deletes a resource count type resource.