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LDTM Examples

This example evaluates all fixed LDTM requirements with no outage.


This example evaluates all fixed LDTM requirements with a nonspecific eight hour outage.


This example evaluates fixed LDTM requirements for jobs beginning with PAY. The example uses an Outage window from January 16, 20yy at noon to January 18, 20yy at 2:00 p.m. as a reference.


LDTM,JOB=P*,OUTAGE=5 DATE=yy.080 PAGE 0001 JOB QUEUE CA-7 -DAY(DDD) AND TIME(HHMM)-- CPU SCH ENTRY MSTR JOB NAME NAME JOB# DEADLINE SUB/START DUE-OUT SPEC/RUN ID MODE REQ STATUS P3 REQ 0792 023/1731 *NONE* 023/1731 ALL- 001 DEMD 003 LATE -------- ------------- SATISFACTION LEAD TIME ANALYSIS ---------------------- JOB=P2 LKBK=yy019/22:31 LRUN=yy019/17:59 DIFF=000/04:32 *OUTAGE* DSN=D463BD8.BDTEST04 DS00000004 LKBK=yy080/04:11 LRUN=yy307/11:39 DIFF=502/16:32 CREATED BY BDTEST04

Job detail line (Starts with P3)

Contains general information about the listed job. For more information about the fields on this line, see the LQ command.

Type of requirement (JOB=)

Indicates the type of requirement.

The possible values are the following:


Job requirement


Internal data set requirement


External data set requirement


Network requirement

Name of requirement (P2)

Name of Requirement. This is the job or network name that is a requirement. For data sets, it is the data set name that is required.

Look Back (LKBK)

Represents the point in time where CA WA CA 7 Edition stopped looking for the last run of the required job. Requiring job queue entry date/time minus satisfaction lead time. It is presented as YYDDD/HHMM where: YYDDD = Julian date, and hours (HH) and minutes (MM).

Last Run (LRUN)

Represents the time when the required job last completed, or the required data set was updated or created. It is presented as YYDDD/HHMM where: YYDDD = Julian date, and hours (HH) and minutes (MM). If the job has never run (or data set never created) it is presented as periods (.).

Difference (DIFF)

Provides the difference between the look back and last run times. This value represents how much the requirement "missed" being satisfied when the job came into the request queue. It is presented as DDD/HHMM where: DDD = number of days (up to 999), and hours (HH) and minutes (MM). If the required job has never run, no valid calculation can be made; therefore, the difference is presented as periods.


Provides an outage factor indicator. If an outage is specified on the command and the requirement fits the parameters of that outage, the character string *OUTAGE* is displayed. Otherwise, it is blank.

Note: If an outage is specified on the command and LIST=ALL is NOT specified, then ONLY requirements that match the outage criteria are listed.


Provides a data set number. If the requirement is for a data set, the CA WA CA 7 Edition data set number is displayed.


Provides a creation job. If the requirement is for an internal data set, the name of the job that updates or creates the data set is displayed.

More information:

LQ Command