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LDTM Command

The LDTM command displays an analysis of outstanding requirements for jobs in the request queue that involve fixed satisfaction lead times. These requirements are job, data set, and network requirements where a fixed satisfaction lead time has been specified either on the requirement definition itself or on the job definition panel.

The LDTM command can be used to determine which outstanding requirements to post manually after an application or system outage has disrupted the normal flow of the production workload.

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Indicates an agent name or mask that an agent name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all agent names)

Limits: 1 to 16 characters


(Optional) Specifies the CA WA CA 7 Edition Workload Balancing class of jobs to select. If omitted or CLS=*, all classes are selected for display.

Limits: 1 alphanumeric character


(Optional) Defines the job number, job name, or mask that a job name must match before its information is selected for display. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Default: * (all jobs)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Defines the long job name or mask that a long job name must match before its information is selected for display. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.

Limits: 1 to 64 characters


(Optional) Can be used in combination with the OUTAGE keyword. If the OUTAGE keyword is specified and the LIST keyword is not specified, only requirements that match the outage window are listed. If LIST=ALL is specified, all outstanding requirements with fixed satisfaction lead times are listed regardless of whether they match the outage window. If LIST=CPU is specified, only CPU jobs are listed.


(Optional) Defines the node name or mask that a node name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all node names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters


(Optional) Specifies the duration, time frame, or both of the application or system outage that has occurred. If an outage is specified, the outstanding requirements with fixed satisfaction lead times are subjected to further analysis to determine if the requirement might have been satisfied if the outage had not occurred. For more information, see the Usage Notes.


Use this format to specify an outage duration without any date/time reference. The duration can be expressed as a number of hours (one to three digits), or as hours and minutes (four digits).

OUTAGE=8       An 8 hour outage.
OUTAGE=0130    A 1 hour 30 minute outage.
(start date, start time, duration)

Use this format to express an outage with a starting point and a fixed amount of time forward from that point (duration).

The starting date/time is specified on the keyword. The ending time is calculated as the starting date/time plus the duration. The starting date can be expressed as a Julian date (five digits) or Gregorian date (six digits). The starting time can be expressed as hhmm (4 digits) where hh is the hour (00-24) and mm is the minutes (00-59). If no time is specified, the default is the beginning of the day (0000).

The duration can be expressed as a number of hours (one to three digits), or as hours and minutes (four digits). If no duration is specified, the default is the remainder of the day from the start time (2400 - start).

OUTAGE=(13001,1300,8)     Jan 1, 2013 (1:00 pm - 9:00 pm)
OUTAGE=(010213,1200,24)   Jan 2, 2013 (noon) - Jan 3, 2013 (noon)
(start date, start time, end date, end time)

Use this format to express both a starting and ending point for the outage window.

The dates can be expressed as Julian dates (five digits) or Gregorian dates (six digits).

The times can be expressed as hhmm (4 digits) where hh is the hour (00-24) and mm is the minutes (00-59). If no start time is specified the default is the beginning of the day (0000). If no end time is specified the default is the end of the day (2400).

OUTAGE=(13001,1200,13002,0800)   Jan 1 (noon) - Jan 2 (8 am)
OUTAGE=(010213,,010313)          All of Jan 2 and Jan 3, 2013

(Optional) Specifies the display criteria for the queue information. If omitted, displays all jobs in the request queue.


Indicates only the jobs that are in abend status.


Indicates only agent jobs that encountered a problem with the agent.


Indicates only jobs that encountered an ARF attach error.


Indicates only jobs that are being tracked by ARF.


Indicates only jobs that are in ARF recovery status.


Indicates only ARF recovery jobs (entry mode=ARFJ).


Indicates only the jobs that are in bad completion code status.


Indicates jobs that have completed successfully and are waiting for CA WA CA 7 Edition completion processing.


Indicates jobs in hold status.


Indicates jobs requiring JCL or PARM overrides.


Indicates jobs that are in JCL or PARM error status.


Indicates late jobs.


Indicates jobs requiring manual verification.


Indicates only jobs requeued because of multiple JOB statements.


Indicates only internal cross platform jobs that encountered a node problem.


Indicates only the jobs that are in security error status.


Indicates only the jobs that are in requeue status.


Indicates jobs requiring restart.


Indicates only the jobs that are in retry status.


Indicates only the jobs that are in skeleton status.


(Optional) Defines the system name or mask that a system name must match before its information is selected for display.

Default: * (all system names)

Limits: 1 to 8 characters

More informmation:
