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APA Prompt Usage Notes

The CATEGORY field can be changed and is blank if command GRAPH is entered.

This panel appears with CATEGORY filled in if one of the APA commands is entered without other keywords; that is, GRAPHS would produce this panel with CATEGORY of S.

This panel contains the following fields:


(Optional) Specifies the function that you want. The following are the possible values:


Displays graphs specified by the CATEGORY and ID fields on this panel. This is the default.


Displays contents of current counters for every graph specified by the CATEGORY field. Same as LIST=ALL option on equivalent top line command.


Displays graph format parameter definitions for every graph specified by the CATEGORY field. Same as LIST=DETL option on equivalent top line command.


Displays directory list of every ID and title specified by the CATEGORY field. Same as LIST=HELP option on equivalent top line command.

The name of any other formatted panel can be entered.


Specifies a graph category. Required field. If accessed from the APA Menu panel, with a DB.n command or FUNCTION, or with a top line GRAPHc command without any other keywords, this is completed for you. You can change this if you want. If accessed through the GRAPH command (or function), this must be entered. Descriptive name of the category is enclosed in parentheses following the value. Categories and their descriptive names are as follows:










indicates a category value is needed.

The following fields are ignored unless FUNCTION is G or blank.


ID values of up to 10 individual graphs to be displayed one after the other. Same as ID keyword on equivalent top line command. Numeric ID in up to four digits. Leading zeros not required. Function H or the equivalent top line command with LIST=HELP lists the available graph ID numbers. The Report Reference Guide also provides a brief discussion of each graph.


Specifies a beginning date for which data is to be displayed. Optional. Cannot be older than 2 years prior to today's date. Default is today's date. Same as keyword FROM on equivalent top line command.


Specifies a month portion of FROM date. Optional. Default is current month. MM format. Leading zero not required. Must be at least 1 and not more than 12.


Specifies a day portion of FROM date. Optional. If MM value was given, default is 01. If MM value was not given, default is current date. DD format. Leading zero not required. Must be at least 1 and not more than 31.


Specifies a year portion of FROM date. Optional. Default is current year. YY format. Leading zero not required. Must be numeric.


Specifies a last date for which data is to be displayed. Optional. Default is today's date. Any date beyond today's date is automatically changed to current date. Same as keyword TO on equivalent top line command.


Specifies a month portion of THRU date. Optional. Default is current month. MM format. Leading zero not required. Must be at least 1 and not more than 12.


Specifies a day portion of THRU date. Optional. If MM value was given, default is last day of that month. If MM value was not given, default is current date. DD format. Leading zero not required. Must be at least 1 and not more than 31.


Specifies a year portion of THRU date. Optional. Default is current year. YY format. Leading zero not required. Must be numeric.


Specifies a temporary override to graph scale increment. Up to seven digits. Optional field. Same as keyword SCALE on equivalent top line command. Function D or top line command with LIST=DETL lists the predefined value under the heading SCALE. The value used is shown as part of the graph heading. When provided, each graph specified in the ID fields uses this override value.


Specifies a temporary override to division factor for the primary counter. Up to seven digits. Optional field. Same as keyword DIV1 on equivalent top line command. Function D or top line command with LIST=DETL lists the predefined value under the heading DIV1. When provided, each graph specified in the ID fields uses this override value.


Specifies a temporary override to division factor for the secondary counter for each graph requested. Up to seven digits. Optional field. Same as keyword DIV2 on equivalent top line command. Function D or top line command with LIST=DETL lists the predefined value under the heading DIV2 if one exists. Only valid if a value is shown there. When used, each graph defined in the ID fields must be the type that has a predefined DIV2 value.


Specifies a temporary override to which value is used on the graph line. Optional field. Similar to keyword GLINE on equivalent top line command. Function D or top line command with LIST=DETL lists the predefined values. If that list indicates PRIM under the GRAPH heading for a graph, PRIM is the only valid option for that graph. When used, each graph defined in the ID fields must be compatible with the value entered here.

Enter the value you want and press Enter. The entered values are converted into the equivalent top line command and processed accordingly. That top line command is echoed at the top of the resulting displays. It can be modified to perform another display or any other top line command can be entered in its place.

Note: For more information about the keywords used with that top line command technique, see the discussion of the GRAPHc command.

This panel allows data to be entered that could require more than the maximum of 80 characters to be echoed on the top line of the resulting display panels. Functions H, D, and C require less than 80. Fields that cannot entirely fit into the available space for the command echo are dropped completely from the echo even though they are being processed. Fields are placed in the echo area in the sequence in which they appear on the panel. If no value was entered, nothing is echoed.

The display may require multiple panels to complete. The last panel has a message at the bottom indicating "request completed."

PF7 and PF8 are temporarily overridden to page backward/forward for ease in browsing any multipage display that may occur. If PF7 or PF8 were set to some other values by the user, those values are temporarily ignored. They revert back to the values defined by the user whenever PF3 or a top line command is entered.

PF3 is also temporarily overridden to return to the APA menu panel.

More information:

GRAPHc Command