The LRDY command lists job information from the ready queue. This information provides details on jobs that have all preexecution requirements satisfied and are only waiting to be submitted to the host system. Jobs that have been submitted but have not yet begun to execute remain in this queue until execution does begin and show a submit time. Status, documentation, and JCL are among the information that can be displayed.
This command has the following format:
►►─ LRDY ─┬───────────────────────┬─┬──────────┬──────────────────────────────► └─ ,AGENT= ─┬─ * ◄ ───┬─┘ └─ ,CLS=x ─┘ ├─ agent ─┤ └─ mask ──┘ ►─┬───────────────────────┬─┬─────────────────────────────┬──────────────────► └─ ,CPUID= ─┬─ * ◄ ───┬─┘ └─ ,DRCLASS= ─┬─ * ◄ ───────┬─┘ ├─ smfid ─┤ ├─ @ANY ──────┤ └─ mask ──┘ ├─ @NONE ─────┤ ├─ drclass ───┤ └─ mask ──────┘ ►─┬──────────────────────┬─┬─────────────────────────┬───────────────────────► └─ ,DRMODE= ─┬─ * ◄ ─┬─┘ └─ ,JOB= ─┬─ * ◄ ───────┬─┘ ├─ YES ─┤ ├─ jobname ───┤ └─ NO ──┘ ├─ jobnumber ─┤ └─ mask ──────┘ ►─┬────────────────┬─┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────► └─ ,LIST=option ─┘ └─ ,NODE= ─┬─ * ◄ ──────┬─┘ ├─ nodename ─┤ └─ mask ─────┘ ►─┬─────────────────────┬─┬───────────────────────────────────┬──────────────► └─ ,SCHID= ─┬─ 0 ◄ ─┬─┘ └─ ,SEG= ─┬─ xxxxxxxx ────────────┬─┘ └─ nnn ─┘ └─ (xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy) ─┘ ►─┬────────────────────────┬─┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────► └─ ,SEQ= ─┬─ NATV ◄ ───┬─┘ └─ ,ST=option ─┘ └─ sequence ─┘ ►─┬──────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────►◄ └─ ,SYS= ─┬─ * ◄ ────────┬─┘ ├─ systemname ─┤ └─ mask ───────┘
(Optional) Indicates an agent name or mask that an agent name must match before its information is selected for display.
Default: * (all agent names)
Limits: 1 to 16 characters
(Optional) Specifies the CA Workload Automation SE Workload Balancing class of jobs to select. If omitted or CLS=*, all classes are selected for display.
Limits: 1 alphanumeric character
(Optional) Defines the CPU ID name or mask that a CPU ID must match before its information is selected for display. For agent jobs, use AGJ. For XPJOBs use 7XPJ.
Note: The CPU ID is not filled in until CA Workload Automation SE has processed a job initiation record.
Default: * (all CPU IDs)
Limits: 1 to 8 characters
(Optional) Defines the disaster recovery class name, a reserved name, or mask that a disaster recovery class name must match before its information is selected for display.
Limits: 1 to 8 characters
Default: * (all disaster recovery class names)
Specifies that jobs with any DRCLASS should be selected.
Specifies that jobs with no DRCLASS should be selected.
(Optional) Indicates the class of jobs to select.
Specifies all jobs. This value is the default.
Indicates to select only jobs that entered the request queue while CA Workload Automation SE was in Disaster Recovery mode.
Indicates to select only jobs that entered the request queue while CA Workload Automation SE was not in Disaster Recovery mode.
(Optional) Defines the job number, job name, or mask that a job name must match before its information is selected for display.
Default: * (all jobs)
Limits: 1 to 8 characters
(Optional) Specifies the amount of queue information requested.
Indicates agent information only.
Indicates all data related to the job.
Indicates only CPU jobs.
Indicates JCL information only.
Depending on the security options selected for your installation, the following values may be concealed in the display:
Indicates internal cross-platform PARMLIB information only.
Indicates documentation information only.
Indicates job data only.
Indicates all requirements information only.
Indicates requirements information only.
Indicates internal cross-platform information only.
When LIST is not specified, a default display consisting of a single description line for each queue record is listed. However, when a specific job is requested by the JOB parameter, the default is LIST=STATUS and all job requirements are listed. If SEG is specified, the default is LIST=PROS.
Note: If RQMT or STATUS is specified, VRM requirements are listed for jobs in the ready queue with a status of W-RSRC.
(Optional) Defines the node name or mask that a node name must match before its information is selected for display.
Default: * (all node names)
Limits: 1 to 8 characters
(Optional) Specifies the schedule ID for which information is to be selected.
Default: 0 (all schedule IDs)
(Optional) Specifies a segment and subsegment of documentation to be listed. If a subsegment, use the form (xxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy).
Defines the name of the segment.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Defines the name of a segment (xxxxxxxx) and subsegment (yyyyyyyy) enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters for each segment
(Optional) Controls the display sequence of the selected information.
Indicates native sequence (the order in which it is in the queue). NATV is the default.
Indicates agent name sequence.
Indicates CA Workload Automation SE assigned job number sequence.
Indicates deadline time sequence.
Indicates due-out time sequence.
Indicates job name sequence.
Indicates node name sequence.
(Optional) Specifies the display criteria for the queue information. If omitted, all jobs in the ready queue are displayed.
Indicates only jobs that are being tracked by ARF.
Indicates only jobs that are in ARF recovery status.
Indicates only ARF recovery jobs (entry mode=ARFJ).
Indicates jobs in hold status.
Indicates late jobs.
Indicates jobs that are submitted to the host system for execution.
Indicates jobs that are waiting for VRM resources.
(Optional) Defines the system name or mask that a system name must match before its information is selected for display.
Default: * (all system names)
Limits: 1 to 8 characters
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