The LGVAR command lists information about global variables.
This command has the following format:
►►─ LGVAR ─┬───────────────────────┬─┬─────────────┬──────────────────────────► └─ ,JOB= ─┬─ * ◄ ─────┬─┘ └─ ,LIST=ALL ─┘ ├─ jobname ─┤ └─ mask ────┘ ►─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────► └─ ,NAME= ─┬─ * ◄ ──────┬─┬─────────────────────┬─┘ ├─ variable ─┤ └─ ,SCHID= ─┬─ 0 ───┬─┘ └─ mask ─────┘ └─ nnn ─┘ ►─┬────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄ └─ ,SYS= ─┬─ * ◄ ──────┬─┘ ├─ systemid ─┤ └─ mask ─────┘
(Optional) Specifies the job name or mask.
Specifies all job values. This value is the default.
Defines the job name or mask for job names that will use this specified value of this global variable.
Specifies to display the date and time the global variable was last modified and the user ID of the one who modified it. If SECURITY,HIDEUPD=YES is specified on the CA Workload Automation SE initialization start-up parameters, the user ID is not displayed, and the field remains blank.
(Optional) Defines the global variable for which the list is intended.
Specifies all global variables. This value is the default.
Specifies the global variable name or mask.
(Optional) Specifies a CA Workload Automation SE schedule ID. There is no default. If the keyword is omitted, all schedule ID values are displayed.
Specifies a schedule ID value of 0 or no schedule ID value.
Defines the CA Workload Automation SE schedule ID that will use this specified value of this global variable.
(Optional) Specifies the system name or mask.
Specifies all system values. This value is the default.
Defines the system name or mask for system names that will use this specified value of this global variable.
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