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Set SNMP Trap Information

You can set SNMP Trap inform for an alert job, allowing you to send the alert to one or more third-party management systems. When the selected queries return results, a trap that includes returned data for all selected fields from all selected queries is sent to all selected SNMP trap destinations. This step is optional.

To set SNMP Trap information

  1. Open the schedule action alert wizard, enter the required information, and advance to the Destination step.
  2. Select the SNMP Trap tab.

    The SNMP Trap tab opens, displaying the Destination Server and Destination Port fields, and a list of the queries included in the Action Alert, each with a check box.

  3. Examine the default destination server and port entries. If not correct, enter the correct IP address or fully qualified host name and port number.
  4. (Optional) Click Add to enter additional Destination Server and Destination Ports.
  5. (Optional) To send the alert using SNMP v3, select SNMP Version 3. SNMP Version 2 is the default.
  6. If you select SNMP Version 3, click the V3 Security button to set authentication or encryption in the Security Parameters dialog.

    Important: The entries on this dialog must match the settings in snmpv3.dat that you configured to enable CA NSM to receive SNMP traps from CA User Activity Reporting Module alerts. The recommended setting follows:

    *.*.*.* *:*   <username>:AuthPriv:MD5:<password>:DES:<password>
    1. Select Authentication. Type the configured user name for username, type the configured password for password, and select MD5 for protocol.
    2. Select Encryption. Type the configured password for password and select DES for protocol.
  7. Select the check box next to any query you want to include in the SNMP trap. For example, if you have three queries showing in the list, you could set SNMP to deliver one, two, or all three.

    Selecting a query displays the fields included in each query, each with a check box selected. You can clear any selected field remove that field in the alert.

  8. Enter the custom trap ID you want associated with each query. This allows you to send different queries in a single alert to different trap IDs, if required.
  9. Advance to the scheduling step you want to complete next, or click Save and Close.

    If you click Save and Close the alert job is scheduled, otherwise the step you select appears.

More information:

Set Email Notification Destination

Set CA IT PAM Information