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Query the Archive Catalog

You can create queries to search the local archive catalog for cold (remote-stored) databases, using quick or advanced filters. The query results can help you identify the backed up database files that must be restored to conduct an investigation.

To query the archive catalog

  1. Click the Administration tab, and then click the Archival Management subtab.

    The Archival Explorer folder list appears.

  2. Click the Archival Query and Recatalog folder.

    The Archive Query dialog appears in the details pane.

  3. Select or enter the time period for your query.
  4. Click Add Filter, select a column, and enter the column search value. You can add multiple filters.
  5. Select Exclude to query for all logs except those logs with the value you enter.

    Note: If you create a filter specifying a column that is not in the catalog, CA User Activity Reporting Module returns all the databases in the specified time range, rather than an empty set. You are not required to know all the cataloged columns to create a useful archive query.

  6. (Optional) Click the Advanced Filters tab to add advanced filters. Include the event information if the column bears the appropriate relation to the value you enter. Select a column, select an Operator, and then select or enter a value. Operator descriptions follow:
    Relational Operators

    Equal to, Not Equal to, Less than, Greater than, Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to.


    Includes the event information if the column contains a pattern matching your entry of text with the wildcard character, %. L% includes values beginning with L. %L% includes values containing L, excluding an L that is either the first or last character.

    Not like

    Includes the event information if the column does not contain the pattern you specify.

    In set

    Includes the event information if the column contains one or more of the values in the quote-delineated set you enter. Multiple values in the set must be separated with commas.

    Not in set

    Includes the event information if the column contains one or more of the values in the quote-delineated set you enter. Multiple values in the set must be separated with commas.


    Includes any event information that matches one or more of the characters that you enter, allowing you to search for key words.


    Includes any event information that is set as a key value during Report Server configuration. Use key values to set business relevance or other organizational groups.

    Not Keyed

    Includes any event information that is not set as a key value during Report Server configuration. Use key values to set business relevance or other organizational groups.

  7. Click Query.

    The query results appear. The files containing records matching your query criteria are displayed with the full relative path, relative to $IGW_LOC. Examples follow:

