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Update the Existing Public Key File

You copied the public key, authorized_keys_RSS, to the /tmp directory on the reporting server. Now you prepare the existing public key file for use. Preparation involves appending the authorized_keys_RSS to authorized_keys. The correct ownership and permissions are already set on the existing authorized_keys file.

To append authorized_keys_RSS to authorized_keys and copy it to the correct location

  1. Log into the reporting CA User Activity Reporting Module server through ssh as caelmadmin.
  2. Switch users to root.
  3. Change directories to the /tmp directory containing authorized_keys_RSS.
  4. Copy the existing authorized_keys from .ssh to the current directory, /tmp.
    cp /opt/CA/LogManager/.ssh/authorized_keys .
  5. Add the contents of the public key from the remote storage server to the authorized_keys file that contains public keys from collection servers.
    cat authorized_keys_RSS >> authorized_keys
  6. Change directories to /opt/CA/LogManager/.ssh.
  7. Copy the authorized_keys file from /tmp to.ssh, the current directory:
    cp /tmp/authorized_keys .