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Search for Reports for a Specific PCI DDS Control

You can search for predefined reports using keywords relevant to specific PCI DDS controls. The following procedure covers a few examples.

Note: The referenced numbers are the number associated with the PCI DDS Requirement that the report addresses.

To display the list of reports relevant to specific PCI DDS controls

  1. Click the Queries and Reports tab and the Reports subtab.
  2. To locate the report that address changes to the firewall configuration (1.1.1), enter Firewall as the Search criteria.

    A list of reports similar to the following appears. Notice the one titled Firewall Configuration Changes.

    Report List - showing search for Firewall reports

  3. To locate the report that addresses changes to router configurations after you have verified synchronization (1.3.6), enter Router as the search criteria.

    Report List - showing search for Router reports

  4. To locate reports that address password management (8.5), one of the strong access control measures, enter password as the Search criteria.

    Report List - showing search for Password reports

  5. To locate reports that address additions, modifications, and deletions to user accounts (12.5.4), one of the measures for maintaining an information security policy, enter account as the search criteria.

    Report List - showing search for Account reports