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View a Report

All users who are assigned a role of Auditor, Analyst, or Administrator can view all reports. Predefined reports are listed under the Subscription folder. When the first custom report is defined, a User folder is added to the report list to hold the custom report. After that, all custom reports are added to this User folder.

Selecting a report from the report list runs the queries that make up the report on log records currently residing in the internal event log stores. The report results, displayed on the right pane, are from the event log stores of the active CA User Activity Reporting Module server and its child servers.

To view a report

  1. Click the Queries and Reports tab, then the Reports subtab.

    The Report Tag Filter maximize button, a Search entry field, the Report List, and the Options menu appear in the left pane.

  2. From the Options menu, select Show Selected Report, if not already selected.

    This lets you display any selected report in the right pane.

  3. Select the report to view in any of the following ways:

    The selected report displays in the main pane of the page.

  4. (Optional) Take any of the following actions:
  5. Click Close to close the displayed report.