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View Subscription Event Details

After you configure subscription, you can view the self-monitoring events. After a subscription update, you can verify that the update to each server completed successfully. As upgrades complete, look for the following self-monitoring event messages on each affected server:

You can also view subscription self-monitoring events for troubleshooting purposes.

To view subscription event details in the event viewer

  1. Click the Administration tab and the Services subtab.
  2. Click Subscription Service in the Service List.
  3. Click the Self Monitoring Events tab for either the Subscription Service or for a host listed under Subscription Service.
  4. Examine the Result Description column. For example, this column can display events such as "Subscription client has no modules selected for getting updates."

    Suscription clielnt has not moduels selected.

  5. Double-click the result description for which you would like to review details.

    The event viewer opens.

  6. Scroll down to the results section and review the text displayed for result_string.

    The result string shows the event details.