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Configure a Oracle iPlanet 6.0 Reverse Proxy Server

You can use a Oracle iPlanet 6.0 Web server as a reverse proxy with SiteMinder.

Note: The SiteMinder Agent Configuration wizard only modifies the default obj.conf file on the Oracle iPlanet (formerly Sun Java System) web server. To protect other instances or reverse proxy deployments with SiteMinder, copy the SiteMinder settings from the default obj.conf file to any respective instance_name-obj.conf files. For example, your web server created an obj.conf file when you installed it, but you later added a server instance named To protect resources on with SiteMinder, copy the SiteMinder settings the wizard added from the obj.conf file to the file.

To configure a Oracle iPlanet Web server as a reverse proxy

  1. Navigate to the following directory:
  2. Create the following subdirectories:
  3. Add the one of the folloiwng files to the passthrough\bin directory:

    Note: Download the Sun Java System Web Server Reverse Proxy Add-On 6.1 file from Sun Microsystems.

  4. Add the one of the following sections to your web_server_installation_directory/config/magnus.conf file:

    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="web_server_installation_directory/plugins/passthrough/bin/passthrough.dll" funcs="init-passthrough,auth-passthrough,check-passthrough,service-passthrough" NativeThread="no"

    Init fn="init-passthrough"


    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="web_server_installation_directory/plugins/passthrough/bin/" funcs="init-passthrough,auth-passthrough,check-passthrough,service-passthrough" NativeThread="no"

    Init fn="init-passthrough"

    Note: All lines must start with Init. Any settings that follow must continue on the same line.

  5. Create a passthrough object by adding the following section to top of the config/instance_name-obj.conf file:
    <Object name="passthrough">
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/passthrough"
    Service type="magnus-internal/passthrough" fn="service-passthrough" servers="http://server_name:port"
    Error reason="Bad Gateway" fn="send-error" uri="$docroot/badgateway.html"
  6. Configure which URIs are to be forwarded by adding a section similar to the following to the top of the default object in the server_install_directory/config/obj.conf file:
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="(/uri|/uri/*)" name="passthrough"

    The URI is the context root of a web application deployed on the remote servers, and passthrough corresponds to the name of the <Object> in the obj.conf file, as shown in the following example:

    <Object name="default"> 
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="(/webapp1|/webapp1/*)" name="passthrough" 

    The name value should match the value of the object name used in Step 5.

  7. Restart the Web server.

    The reverse proxy is configured.