Previous Topic: Administrative UINext Topic: Policy Server Components Supporting Multi-byte Characters

Federation Security Services Administrative UI

The following FSS Administrative UI dialog box fields support multi-byte characters:

Field Name

Dialog Where Field is Located

Access Dialog By Selecting:

All Description fields

All dialogs

Any dialog that has a Description field

All Name fields except dialogs listed in next column

All dialogs except Name fields in:

  • SiteMinder Agent Dialog
  • SiteMinder Agent Group Dialog
  • SiteMinder Agent Configuration Object Dialog
  • SiteMinder Host Configuration Object Dialog
  • SiteMinder Agent Type Dialog

Access Dialog by selecting:

  • Edit, Create Agent
  • Edit, System Configuration, Create Agent Group
  • Edit, System Configuration, Create Agent Conf Object
  • Edit, System Configuration, Create Host Conf Object
  • Edit, System Configuration, Create Type

DN field under the User Session Caches group

SiteMinder Cache Management Dialog

Tools, Manage Cache

Value and Enter Single Value fields

SiteMinder Host Configuration Object’s Edit Parameter Dialog

Edit, System Configuration, Create Host Conf Object, click Add

Root, Start, and End fields for the LDAP and AD namespaces

SiteMinder User Directory Dialog

Edit, System Configuration, Create User Directory

Username field

SiteMinder User Directory Dialog’s Credentials and Collection tab

Edit, System Configuration, Create User Directory

Filter (binoculars) fields

SiteMinder Policy Domain Dialog

Edit, System Configuration, Create Domain

Manual Entry field in the Condition group

Value field in the Infix Notation group

SiteMinder Password Policy Dialog’s SiteMinder User Lookup screen

Edit, System Configuration, Create Password Policy

Function Parameter field of the SiteMinder Active Rule editor dialog

SiteMinder Rule and SiteMinder Global Rule dialogs

Click a realm and select Create Rule Under Realm

  • Variable Value field in the Static option.
  • DN Spec field in the DN Attribute option.
  • Parameters field in Active Response option.

SiteMinder Response and Global Response dialogs

Click a response and select Create Response

  • On the Users tab, the Manual Entry field in Condition group and the Value field in Infix Notation group.
  • On the Rules tab, the Filter fields (binoculars) of the Set Response and Set Global Response dialogs.
  • On the Advanced tab, the Function Parameter field in Active Policy group.

SiteMinder Policies and Global Policies dialogs

Click Policies and select Policy

  • Value field in Attribute-Value option.
  • Search Expression field in the LDAP Query option.

SiteMinder User Lookup screen

In multiple dialogs