Create an Instance of ICAS
Create an instance of ICAS by specifying a custom authentication scheme in the Administrative UI.
Limit: Each policy store can support up to ten instances of ICAS.
To create an instance of ICAS
The Create Authentication Scheme search pane opens.
The Create Authentication Scheme: Name pane opens.
The Scheme Setup group box replaces the Advanced group box.
Note: ICAS does not support Password Policies.
Note: The custom authentication scheme uses the Java Authentication API.
Leave these fields blank.
Note: The custom authentication scheme does not use the shared secret.
Type the following two parameters in the Parameter field and separate them by a space:
This is the fully qualified name of the class that implements the SmAuthScheme interface.
This is the location of the properties file. policy_server_home\config\icas\
The Create Authentication Scheme task is submitted for processing.
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