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Manage User Access with IIS

This section contains the following topics:

Configure Agents for IIS to Obtain User Credentials Without Redirecting to an NTLM Credential Collector (NTC)

Control IIS 7.x Module Execution Order when using the SiteMinder Agent for IIS

Use an IIS Proxy User Account (IIS Only)

Use the NetBIOS Name or UPN for IIS Authentication

Configure Agents for IIS to Support NT Challenge/Response Authentication

How to Implement an Information Card Authentication Scheme

Disable Windows Security Context on Agents for IIS

How to Control When SiteMinder Agents Process Cookies

Configure Agents for IIS to Obtain User Credentials Without Redirecting to an NTLM Credential Collector (NTC)

By default, SiteMinder Agents redirect requests for resources protected by the Windows authentication scheme to an NTLM credential collector (NTC) to retrieve their Windows credentials.

You can configure SiteMinder Agents for IIS to obtain the credentials of the user from the HTTP request inline (that is, without redirecting to an NTC).

The following illustration describes the differences between the two credential collection methods:

Flowchart showing how the SiteMinder Agents obtain credentials based on the setting of the InlineCredentials Configuration Parameter

To configure an agent to obtain credentials of the user from the HTTP request without redirecting to an NTC, set the InlineCredentials configuration parameter as follows:


Specifies how the Agent for IIS handles user credentials. When the value of this parameter is yes, the Agent for IIS reads the credentials directly from the HTTP request. When the value of this parameter is no, the Agent redirects to an NTC credential collector.

Default: No

Note: If any SiteMinder Agents in your environment are configured to use NTC redirects, configure NT challenge/response authentication.

More information:

Configure Agents for IIS to Support NT Challenge/Response Authentication

Control IIS 7.x Module Execution Order when using the SiteMinder Agent for IIS

When you install and configure the SiteMinder Agent for IIS on an IIS web server, the Agent for IIS executes before any other modules. If your IIS environment requires another module to execute first, you can change the number set the following location in the Windows Registry:

HKLM\Software\Netegrity\SiteMinder Web Agent\Microsoft IIS\RequestPriority

For example, suppose another module in your IIS 7.x web server (like UrlScan) is assigned the same execution priority as the SiteMinder Agent for IIS. Use this setting to control when the SiteMinder module executes.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows Registry Editor on your IIS web server.
  2. Expand the following keys:
    HKLM\Software\Netegrity\SiteMinder Web Agent\Microsoft IIS
  3. Locate the following value:
  4. Change the value of RequestPriority to the number which corresponds to the following value you want:

    Executes the SiteMinder Agent for IIS before any other modules on your IIS web server. This setting is the default.

    Example: 0 (First)

    Default: 0


    Executes the SiteMinder Agent for IIS module after any modules set to execute first, but before any modules set to execute with medium, low or last priority.

    Example: 1 (High)


    Executes the SiteMinder Agent for IIS module after modules set to execute first and high, but before modules set to execute with low or last priority.

    Example: 2 (Medium)


    Executes the SiteMinder Agent for IIS module after modules set to execute first, high, and medium, but before modules set to execute with last priority.

    Example: 3 (Low)


    Executes the module for the SiteMinder Agent for IIS after all other modules.

    Example: 4 (Last)

  5. Save your changes and close the registry editor.
  6. Test your settings and verify that the module you want executes before the Agent for IIS module executes.

Use an IIS Proxy User Account (IIS Only)

If users try to access resources on an IIS web server protected by SiteMinder, the Web Agent may deny access if those users lack sufficient IIS privileges for those resources. For example, if users are stored in an LDAP user directory on a UNIX system, those users may not have access to the Windows system with the IIS web server.

The IIS web server has a default proxy account that has sufficient privileges for users who are granted access by SiteMinder. The Web Agent uses the values of the DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword parameters as credentials even if the user has a valid Windows security context.

Follow these steps:

  1. Set the value of the ForceIISProxyUser parameter to one of the following values:

    Default: No

  2. If you are not using either of the following Windows features, continue with Step 3:
  3. Enter the user name for the proxy user account in the DefaultUserName parameter. If you are using a domain account, and the local machine is not a part of that domain, use the syntax shown in the following example:


    Otherwise, specify just the user name.

  4. Enter the password associated with the existing Windows user account in the DefaultPassword parameter.

    Important! We recommend setting this parameter in your Agent Configuration Object because you can encrypt it. If you set it in a local configuration file, the value is stored unencrypted in plain text.

    The IIS Proxy account is configured.

Enable Anonymous User Access

If you do not want users to have access as the proxy user, you can set the following parameter:


Instructs the IIS Web Agent to execute the web application as an anonymous user, instead of using credentials of the proxy user.

Default: No

Note: This parameter applies to IIS Web Agents only.

To enable anonymous user access, set the UseAnonAccess parameter to yes.

Use the NetBIOS Name or UPN for IIS Authentication

In an IIS network, you may have a NetBIOS name that is different than the domain name for the location of a requested resource. When a user tries to access a protected resource and there are multiple domain controllers, user authentication fails and the web server log shows an "IIS logon failure." You can control whether the UPN or NetBIOS name is sent to the IIS web server with the following parameter:


Specifies whether the IIS 6.0 Web Agent sends the user principal name (UPN) or the NetBIOS name to the IIS 6.0 web server for IIS user authentication.

Note: This parameter is valid only if an Active Directory user store is associated with the Policy Server.

If you enable this parameter, the Policy Server extracts the UserDN, the UPN, and the NetBIOS name from the Active Directory during SiteMinder authentication, and sends this data back to the IIS 6.0 Web Agent.

Depending on whether or not you selected the Run in Authenticated User's Security Context option for the user directory with the Administrative UI and how you set the UseNetBIOSforIIAuth parameter, a user's logon credentials are sent as follows:

The IIS web server authenticates the user with the credentials it receives from the Web Agent.

Default: No

To have the Web Agent use the NetBIOS name for IIS authentication, set the UseNetBIOSAuth parameter to yes.

Configure Agents for IIS to Support NT Challenge/Response Authentication

If any SiteMinder Agents in your environment are configured to use NTC redirects, configure NT challenge/response authentication.

With NT challenge/response authentication, the IIS web server challenges the Internet Explorer browser of a user when that user requests access to a resource.

Note: NT challenge/response authentication only works with Internet Explorer browsers.

You can implement NT challenge/response authentication in either of the following ways:

SiteMinder Agents use credential collectors to gather the Windows credentials of users for the NT challenge/response authentication scheme. The agent supports the NTC extension for collecting NTLM credentials.

Note: Set the NTCEXT only if you want to change this default behavior.

To make SiteMinder operate with NT challenge/response authentication, use the following process:

  1. Set up the NT Challenge response authentication for the IIS web server with the following tasks:
    1. Map the .ntc file extension.
    2. Create and configure the virtual directory, and then verify that it requires the NT challenge and response credentials.
  2. Configure the Windows authentication scheme for NT challenge/response authentication in the Administrative UI.
  3. Specify an NTLM credential collector.
  4. Configure policies for NT Challenge/Response authentication using the Administrative UI.

    Note: For more information, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

  5. (Optional) Have your users configure the automatic logon feature of their Internet Explorer browser.

    The NT Challenge Response Authentication for IIS is configured.

More Information

Configure Agents for IIS to Obtain User Credentials Without Redirecting to an NTLM Credential Collector (NTC)

Map the .NTC File Extension

Map the .NTC file extension to the ISAPIWebAgent.dll application to configure NT Challenge/Response Authentication on the IIS Web Server.

To map the .NTC file extension

  1. Open the Internet Services Manager.
  2. Right-click Web Sites in the left pane, and then right-click Default Web Site in the right pane and select Properties.

    The Default Web Site Properties dialog appears.

  3. Click the Home Directory tab.
  4. In the Application Settings section, click Configuration.

    The Application Configuration dialog appears.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog opens.

    1. In the Executable field, click Browse and locate the following file: web_agent_home/bin/ISAPIWebAgent.dll.
    2. Click Open.
    3. In the Extension field, enter .ntc.
  6. Click OK three times.

    The Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog, the Application Configuration dialog and the Default Web Site Properties dialog close. The .ntc file extension is mapped.