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Affiliate Domains

If you have purchased SiteMinder Federation Security Services, you can use the Federation Security Services Administrative User Interface to create Affiliate domains. An affiliate domain is a logical grouping of SAML 1.x Consumers or SAML 2.0 Service Providers associated with one or more user directories.

Note: More information exists in the Federation Security Services Guide.

Modify a Domain

You can change the name, description, user directory connections and administrators associated with a policy or affiliate domain. All other features of a domain are a result of peripheral configuration.

Note: More information about modifying and deleting Policy Server objects exists in Manage Policy Server Objects.

Delete a Domain

Important! Deleting a domain destroys all of the domain user directory and administrator connections and objects: rules, rule groups, realms, responses, response groups, and policies, or affiliates contained in the domain.

It may take a short amount of time for all deleted objects to be removed from caches.

Note: More information about modifying and deleting Policy Server objects exists in Manage Policy Server Objects.