Policy Server Guides › Policy Server Configuration Guide › User Directories › How to Configure an ADAM User Directory Connection › Create a SiteMinder User For Connecting to the ADAM User Store
Create a SiteMinder User For Connecting to the ADAM User Store
You can create a SiteMinder user in the Connection Settings dialog shown in the previous topic.
To create a SiteMinder user for connecting to the ADAM user store
- Under o=userstore, right-click CN=Roles and select New, Object.
- In the Create Object dialog:
- Select user and click Next.
- In the Value field, enter a user name that SiteMinder uses to connect to the ADAM user store and click Next. This example uses admin.
- Click Finish.
- In the right column of ADAM ADSI Edit, right-click CN=admin and select Reset Password.
- In the Reset Password dialog, enter and confirm the new password and click OK.
The SiteMinder user exists in ADAM and the next step is to give this user administrator privileges.
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