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Create an ADAM Instance and User Store Connection

You use the Connection Settings dialog of ADAM ADSI Edit to create an ADAM instance and user store connection.

To create an ADAM instance and user store connection

  1. Install an ADAM instance on a free port number. This example uses port 390.
  2. Open the ADAM ADSI utility by going to Start, Program Files, ADAM, ADAM ADSI Edit.
  3. Right-click ADAM ADSI Edit and select Connect to, which opens the Connections Setting dialog.
  4. In the Connections Setting dialog:
    1. Enter a name in the Connection name field. This example uses My Connection.
    2. Select localhost in the Server name field.
    3. Enter a free port number in the Port field. This example uses port 390.
    4. Select Distinguished name (DN) or naming context and enter O=userstore in the field.
    5. Click OK.

    The connection (MyConnection [localhost:390] root element) you configured appears under ADAM ADSI Edit.