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SAML 2.0 Matching Configuration Settings

The following table lists SiteMinder configuration settings that must be set to the same value at the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and Service Provider. The table also indicates the dialog or file where these settings are located. Most of these settings are in the FSS Administrative UI; however, some parameters are in a properties file or part of a link.

Important! If you have to enter a URL as a value for a setting, the URL string that comes after the colon, for example, "http:" is case sensitive. Therefore, the case of all SP ID- and IdP ID-related settings must match.

These Settings at the Service Provider...

Must Match These Settings at the Identity Provider...

Attribute Name

Add/Edit Attribute dialog accessed from the Attributes tab of the SAML 2.0 Auth. Scheme Properties dialog

Variable Name

Attribute Fields section--SAML Service Provider Attribute dialog

Audience field

any other SAML Service Provider; SSO tab of the SAML 2.0 Auth Scheme Properties dialog

Audience field

SSO Tab--SAML Service Provider dialog


IdP ID field

Scheme Setup tab--Authentication Scheme Properties dialog

IdP ID field

General tab--Service Provider dialog

For Identity Provider-initiated SSO--SPID query parameter in an unsolicited response

Local Name field

Add/Edit Attribute dialog accessed from the Attributes tab of the SAML 2.0 Auth. Scheme Properties dialog

Local Name

Federation Attribute Variable Properties dialog for creating a Federation Attribute variable at the SAML Requester (Service Provider).


SP ID field

Scheme Setup tab--Authentication Scheme Properties dialog


For Service Provider-initiated SSO-- ProviderID query parameter in hard-coded links to the Identity Provider

SP ID field

General tab--Service Provider dialog

SP Name field

Backchannel tab of the SAML 2.0 Auth Scheme Properties dialog

This value must be in lowercase.

Name field

Service Provider dialog

This value must be in lowercase.