Previous Topic: Configure JBOSS or Tomcat to Work with  Federation Web ServicesNext Topic: Modify the Tomcat File (Tomcat 6.0.18 or higher)

Modify the File for JBOSS or Tomcat

The file contains all the initialization parameters for Federation Web Services. For deploying FWS, set only the parameter that specifies the location of the WebAgent.conf file.

To configure the file

  1. Navigate to the file. For ServletExec, go to web_agent_home/affwebservices/WEB-INF/classes.
  2. Set the AgentConfigLocation parameter to the location of the WebAgent.conf file at each partner site.
  3. Repeat this procedure for each application server where the Web Agent Option Pack is installed.

Accept the default values for the rest of the settings.

Deploy an FWS WAR File in JBoss or Tomcat

To deploy the FWS application for a JBOSS or Tomcat server

  1. Open a command window and navigate to the affwebservices directory, which is located in:
  2. Create a WAR file by entering the command:
    jar cvf affwebservices.war *

    For more information about deploying a Web application, see the documentation for your application server.

  3. Copy the affwebservices.war file to the appropriate server location:


    JBOSS_home is the installed location of the JBOSS application server.

    Important! For JBOSS, deploy affwebservices in an exploded state. Refer to



    Tomcat_home is the installed location of the Tomcat application server.

  4. Restart the application server.
  5. After the server has restarted, access the JBOSS or Tomcat Administrative Console. All the services that affwebservices supports appear on the main Console page.
  6. Test that the FWS application is working by opening a web browser and entering the following URL:



    Represents the fully qualified host name and


    Specifies the port number of the server where the Federation Web Services application is installed.

    For example:

    If FWS is operating correctly, the following message is displayed:

    Assertion Retrieval Service has been successfully initialized.
    The requested servlet accepts only HTTP POST requests.

    This message indicates that FWS is listening for data activity. The FWS application is now deployed for the application server.

    When FWS is not operating correctly, a message states that the Assertion Retrieval Service has failed. If there is a failure, review the FWS log.

    Note: For more information about enabling trace logging for the FWS application, see Trace Logging.