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Modify the File for WebLogic

The file contains all the initialization parameters for Federation Web Services. For deploying FWS, set only the parameter that specifies the location of the WebAgent.conf file.

To configure the file

  1. Navigate to the file. For ServletExec, go to web_agent_home/affwebservices/WEB-INF/classes.
  2. Set the AgentConfigLocation parameter to the location of the WebAgent.conf file at each partner site.
  3. Repeat this procedure for each application server where the Web Agent Option Pack is installed.

Accept the default values for the rest of the settings.

Configure the WebLogic Reverse Proxy Plug-in

To set up the WebLogic Reverse Proxy plug-in:

  1. On System 1, configure the WebLogic reverse proxy plug-in on the Apache Web Server.

    For more information, see WebLogic documentation.

  2. Add the following aliases to the configuration file of the web server.

    This example uses the Apache httpd.conf file.

    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    WebLogicHost <WebLogic_Machine_IP Address>
    WebLogicPort <WebLogic_Machine_Port_Number>
    <Location /affwebservices>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    Debug ALL
Deploy the FWS Application on WebLogic

Deploy the FWS application on System 2 and System 5.

Important! For the FWS application to work with WebLogic Server, review the weblogic.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. Verify that the prefer-web-inf-classes parameter is set to true.

The weblogic.xml file is located in the directory webagent\affwebservices\WEB-INF.

The following code excerpt shows how to set the prefer-web-inf-classes parameter:


In addition, verify that the precompile parameter is set to true, as listed following:


Follow these steps: to deploy FWS

  1. Use the WebLogic Server Console and deploy FWS. The FWS application is installed in:


    For more information about deploying a web application, see the WebLogic documentation.

  2. Test that the FWS application is working. Open a web browser and enter:



    Defines the fully qualified host name.


    Defines the port number of the server where the Federation Web Services application is installed.

    For example:

    If Federation Web Services is operating correctly, you see the following message:

    Assertion Retrieval Service has been successfully initialized.
    The requested servlet accepts only HTTP POST requests.

    This message indicates that Federation Web Services is listening for data activity. The FWS application is now deployed for the WebLogic server.

    If Federation Web Services is not operating correctly, a message that the Assertion Retrieval Service has failed displays. If the service fails, review the Federation Web Services log.

Note: For instructions on enabling trace logging for the FWS application, see Trace Logging.