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Customize a SAML Response Element (optional)

The Assertion Generator produces SAML assertions to authenticate users in a federated environment. You may want to modify the assertion content based on your business agreements between partners and vendors.

By configuring an Assertion Generator plug-in, you can customize the content of a SAML 2.0 response generated by the Assertion Generator.

To modify a response element using the Assertion Generator plug-in

  1. Implement the plug-in class.

    A sample class,, can be found in sdk/samples/assertiongeneratorplugin.

  2. Configure the Assertion Generator plug-in from the Advanced tab of the SAML Service Provider Properties dialog box.

    Note: Specify an Assertion Generator plug-in for each Service Provider.

    1. In the Full Java Class Name field, enter the Java class name of the plug-in. This plug-in is invoked by the Assertion Generator at run time.

      The plug-in class can parse and modify the assertion, and then return the result to the Assertion Generator for final processing.

      Only one plug-in is allowed for each Service Provider. For example, com.mycompany.assertiongenerator.AssertionSample

      A sample plug-in is included in the SDK. You can view a sample assertion plug-in at sdk/samples/assertiongeneratorplugin.

    2. Optionally, in the Parameters field, enter the string that gets passed to the plug-in as a parameter at run time.

      The string can contain any value; there is no specific syntax to follow.

Additional information about the Assertion Generator plug-in can be found as follows:

Implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin Interface

The first step in creating a custom assertion generator plug-in is to implement the AssertionGeneratorPlugin interface.

Follow these steps:

  1. Provide a public default constructor method that contains no parameters.
  2. Provide code so that the implementation is stateless. Many threads must be able to use a single plug-in class.
  3. Implement methods in the interface to satisfy your requirements.

The implementation must include a call to the customizeAssertion methods. You can overwrite the existing implementations. See the following sample classes for examples:

SAML 1.x/WS-Federation

SAML 2.0

The sample classes are located in the directory /sdk/samples/assertiongeneratorplugin.

Note: The contents of the parameter string that your implementation passes into the customizeAssertion method is the responsibility of the custom object.

Deploy the Assertion Generator Plug-in

After you have coded your implementation class for the AssertionGeneratorPlugin interface, compile it and verify that SiteMinder can find your executable file.

To deploy the assertion generator plug-in

  1. Compile the assertion plug-in Java file.

    Compilation requires the following .jar files, which are installed with the Policy Server:

  2. In the JVMOptions.txt file, modify the -Djava.class.path value so it includes the classpath for the plug-in. This modification enables the plug-in to be loaded with the modified classpath. Locate the JVMOptions.txt file in the directory installation_home\siteminder\config.

    Note: Do not modify the classpath for xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, or SMJavaApi.jar.

  3. Enable the plug-in.