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Configure Attributes for SAML 1.x Assertions

You can configure responses to pass attributes from a SAML assertion to a target application at the consumer site.

To configure an attribute for an assertion

  1. In the Affiliate Properties dialog, select the Attributes tab.
  2. Click Create.

    The Affiliate Attribute Editor dialog opens.

  3. From the Attribute drop-down list, select whether you want to configure a header or cookie variable.
  4. From the Attribute Setup tab, select one of the following options in the Attribute Kind group box:

    If you select the DN Attribute, you can also select the Allow Nested Groups check box. Selecting this check box allows SiteMinder to return an attribute from a group that is nested in another group specified by a policy. Nested groups often occur in complex LDAP deployments.

    Your selection from the Attribute drop-down list and the response attribute type you select determine the available fields in the Attribute Fields group box.

  5. Complete the fields for the Attribute Kind you select. The Attribute Kind that you select determines which additional fields you must configure.


    Fill in the following fields:

    User Attribute

    Fill in the following fields:

    DN Attribute

    Fill in the following fields:

    Note: If you selected Affiliate-HTTP-Cookie-Variable from the Attribute menu, the Variable Name field label changes to Cookie Name.

  6. (Optional) if the LDAP user directory contains nested groups, and you want the Policy Server to retrieve DN attributes from the nested groups, select the Allow Nested Groups check box in the Attribute Kind group box.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.

Specify the Maximum Length of Assertion Attributes

The maximum length for user assertion attributes is configurable. To modify the maximum length of assertion attributes, change the settings in the file.

Note: The property name in the file is specific to the protocol you are configuring.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the system where the Policy Server is installed, navigate to policy_server_home\config\properties\
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Adjust the maximum user attribute length for the protocols in use in your environment. The settings for each protocol are as follows:


    Property Name: com.netegrity.assertiongenerator.wsfed.MaxUserAttributeLength

    Property Type: Positive Integer value

    Default Value: 1024

    Description: Indicates the maximum attribute length for WS-FED assertion attributes.

    SAML 1.x

    Property Name: com.netegrity.assertiongenerator.saml1.MaxUserAttributeLength

    Property Type: Positive Integer value

    Default Value: 1024

    Description: Indicates the maximum attribute length for SAML1.1 assertion attributes.

    SAML 2.0

    Property Name: com.netegrity.assertiongenerator.saml2.MaxUserAttributeLength

    Property Type: Positive Integer value

    Default Value: 1024

    Description: Indicates the maximum attribute length for SAML2.0 assertion attributes

  4. Restart the Policy Server after any change to these parameters.