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Configure a Shared Session Model

For shared sessioning, there are a few steps to complete. You configure shared sessioning on the Session tab of the Affiliate Properties dialog box.

To enable shared sessioning

  1. Select the Shared Sessioning checkbox.

    If a SAML Affiliate Agent implements a shared session solution, this check box enables the sharing of session information between the producer and the SAML Affiliate Agent.

  2. Enter a value in the Sync Interval field, in seconds.
  3. Click OK to save your changes.

More Information:

Set the Sync Interval for Shared Sessions

Set the Sync Interval for Shared Sessions

The sync interval defines the frequency at which the SAML Affiliate Agent contacts the producer to validate session status. The SAML Affiliate Agent learns the value of the sync interval from the assertion.

The sync interval helps ensure that the information at the session store and the information in the SAML Affiliate Agent is synchronized. For example, imagine that the sync interval is 2 minutes, and the user logs out at the producer at 4:00PM. The consumer session cookies do not become invalid until 4:02PM.

Note: The SAML Affiliate Agent does not automatically contact the producer only because of the value of the sync interval. The user has to be active at the consumer--that is, the user is requesting consumer resources.

Two factors affect the value of Sync Interval:

Note: If the user visits the SAML Affiliate Agent before logging in at the producer, the user is redirected to a URL at the producer. This URL is referred to as the PortalQueryURL.