Previous Topic: Configure a Name ID for Inclusion in the AssertionNext Topic: Configure POST Single Sign-on at the IdP

Identify the SP, IdP, and Other General Settings

Identify the Service Provider and the Identity Provider. The IdP ID identifies the Issuer of the assertion. The SP ID is used to accept the AuthnRequest when it is sent from the Service Provider.

To configure general settings

  1. Select the General tab on the SAML Service Providers dialog box.

    Configure the following fields:

    SP ID


    IdP ID


    The values for the SP ID and IdP ID must match the values at the Service Provider.

    SAML Version

    2.0 (default)

    Skew Time

    30 seconds (default)

  2. In the D-Sign Info box, select the Disable Signature Processing checkbox.

    Important! Disabling signing is intended only for debugging the initial single sign-on configuration. In a production environment, enable signature processing, which is a mandatory security requirement.

  3. Keep the SAML Service Provider Properties dialog open and Configure POST Single Sign-on at the IdP.

More Information:

Configure Digital Signing (required for POST Binding)