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Import Realm Objects

Some points to note about importing realm objects:


use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminsouth", "adminpwd");
$datamgr = $session‑>CreateDataManager("Data.smdif",NorthEnv.cfg);
die "FATAL: Data manager creation failed.\n" unless($datamgr!=undef);

print "\nData manager creation was successful.";
$domain = $session‑>GetDomain("Acme North Domain");
print "\nResult of import: " . $result . "\n";

When importing objects from multiple data files, you need a PolicyMgtDataMgr object for each file.


The following script imports realm objects to the policy store at a company’s South site from two other sites—a North site and a West site. At the South site, the data and configuration files generated from each export are placed in the same directory as the import script. The South-site configuration file is also located there:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminsouth", "adminpwd");

$domain = $session‑>GetDomain("Acme South Domain");

#create data manager for North site file
if ($mNorth == undef) {
   print "\nData manager creation for North site file failed.\n";
else {
   print "\nData manager creation for North site file successful.\n";
   #Import realms from North site file
   print "\nResult of import of North site realms: ".$result."\n";

#create data manager for West site file
if ($mWest == undef) {
   print "\nData manager creation for West site file failed.\n";
else {
   print "\nData manager creation for West site file successful.\n";
   #Import realms from West site file
   print "\nResult of import of West site realms: ".$result."\n";

Modify a Password Policy

Suppose a company has different password policies defined at different sites, and it decides to standardize certain password policy requirements. The following script can be executed for each site to set the new password policy definitions:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policymgtapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policymgtapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

foreach $pwdpol(@pwdpols) {
   $pwdpol‑>Description("Standardized settings 4/15/02");
   print "\n\nPwd Policy: " . $pwdpol‑>Name();
   print "\nUpdated the following settings:";
   print "\n  Minimum length:\t".$pwdpol‑>PwdMinLength(6);
   print "\n  Maximum length:\t".$pwdpol‑>PwdMaxLength(18);
   print "\n  Minimum digits:\t".$pwdpol‑>PwdMinNumbers(3);
   print "\n  Allowable failures:\t".$pwdpol‑>MaxLoginFailures(3);
   print "\n  Days before reuse:\t".$pwdpol‑>PwdReuseDelay(360);
   print "\n  Changes before reuse:\t".$pwdpol‑>PwdReuseCount(6);

Manage Password State

Password state refers to activities relating to a given user’s password—for example, the last time the password was changed, and the last time the password was used to log in the user.

To retrieve an existing PolicyMgtUserPasswordState object for a user, or to set a new password state object with any attribute changes, call PolicyMgtUser‑>UserPasswordState().

The table that follows lists the password state attributes you can access for a given user, and the method used to set or retrieve an attribute value. All methods are in the object PolicyMgtUserPasswordState, unless otherwise noted.

Password State Attribute



Login failures


Sets or retrieves the number of times the user failed to log in since the user’s last successful login.

Last login time


Sets or retrieves the time the user last logged in successfully.

Previous login time


Sets or retrieves the next-to-last time the user logged in successfully.

Disabled time


Sets or retrieves the time the user object was disabled.

Password history


Optionally, clears the user’s password history when setting the password state object for the user.

You cannot retrieve password history or set password history entries.

Last password change time


Sets or retrieves the time the user’s password was last changed.

If you change a password state attribute, the change applies to the current password state object only. To apply the change to a password state object that may be subsequently retrieved, pass the current password state object in a call to PolicyMgtUser‑>UserPasswordState(). This method sets a new password state object containing the attribute values passed into the method.

For example, the code fragment below performs the following operations:

  1. Retrieves the password state object, $passwordstate, for the current user, $user[0].
  2. Sets the login failures attribute to 3 in this instance of the password state object.
  3. Calls UserPasswordState() to clear the user’s password history and set a new password state object for the user with the new history and login failures attributes.
    $passwordstate = $user[0]‑>UserPasswordState();
    $user[0]‑>UserPasswordState($passwordstate, 1);

Create Responses and Response Attributes

The following script creates a response and response attribute. Note that GetAgentType() needs to be called to retrieve an agent type object for the call to CreateResponse():

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

$domain = $session‑>GetDomain("Acme North Domain");
$agenttype=$session‑>GetAgentType("Web Agent");
$response=$domain‑>CreateResponse("Welcome to Payroll",$agenttype);
if ($response==undef) {
   print "\nCouldn't create the response.";
else {
   if ($attr==undef) {
      print "\nCouldn't create attribute for ".$response‑>Name();
   else {
      print "\nCreated response " . $response‑>Name();
      print "\nCreated attribute " . $attr‑>GetValue();

Update Realms with a New Authentication Scheme

The following example assigns the authentication scheme HTML Authentication to all the realms in the domain Acme North Domain:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

$domain = $session‑>GetDomain("Acme North Domain");
$authscheme=$session‑>GetAuthScheme("HTML Authentication");

print "Updating these realms to auth scheme ".$authscheme‑>Name();
foreach $realm(@realms) {
   if ($realm‑>AuthScheme($authscheme)==undef) {
      print "\n  Couldn't update realm " . $name;
   else {
      print "\n  Realm ". $name;

View Default Values for an Authentication Scheme Template

The following script displays the default values for the authentication scheme template HTML Form Template.

Creating an authentication scheme is not necessary. The script uses GetAuthScheme() to retrieve an authentication scheme object for the template, then prints the objects’s default properties:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

#Retrieve the object for the authentication scheme template
$template=$session‑>GetAuthScheme("HTML Form Template");

print "\nDefault values for template " . $template‑>Name();
print "\n  Type:\t" . $template‑>Type()‑>Name();
print "\n  Description:\t" . $template‑>Description();
print "\n  Protection level:\t" . $template‑>ProtectionLevel();
print "\n  Library:\t" . $template‑>CustomLib();
print "\n  Parameter:\t" . $template‑>CustomParam();
print "\n  Shared secret:\t" . $template‑>CustomSecret();
print "\n  Is template?:\t" . $template‑>IsTemplate();
print "\n  Is used by admin?:\t" . $template‑>IsUsedByAdmin();
print "\n  Save credentials?:\t" . $template‑>SaveCredentials();
print "\n  Is Radius:\t" . $template‑>IsRadius();
print "\n  Ignore pwd ck?:\t" . $template‑>IgnorePwd();

Create an Authentication Scheme

When you create an authentication scheme, you base the scheme on an authentication scheme template. To do so, you first retrieve an existing template and then specify the template object in the call to CreateAuthScheme().

The following example creates an authentication scheme based on the template HTML Form Template and accepts all defaults:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

#Retrieve the object for the authentication scheme template
$template=$session‑>GetAuthScheme("HTML Form Template");

#Create the authentication scheme
$scheme=$session‑>CreateAuthScheme("HTML Authentication",$template);
if ($scheme == undef) {
   print "\nCouldn't create the authentication scheme.";
else {
   print "\nCreated authentication scheme ".$scheme‑>Name();

Modify the Shared Secret Rollover Policy

A shared secret is a text string known only to a trusted host and the policy store domain where the host is registered. The shared secret is used to authenticate the identity of the trusted host when it makes a secure connection to the Policy Server.

The shared secret rollover feature provides a mechanism to periodically change the shared secret automatically.

Using the Scripting Interface for Perl, you can:

Write a Domain and Realm Report to a File

The following script writes the names of all policy store domains and top-level realms to a text file:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

open(DEST,">".$destFile) || die "Open file error: $!";
print DEST "Domains and Domain Realms for Acme North Site\n";
print DEST "Printed " . scalar(localtime)."";

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

foreach $domain(@domains) {
   print DEST "\n\nDomain " . $domain‑>Name() . ":";
   foreach $realm(@realms) {
      print DEST "\n  Realm " . $realm‑>Name();

print "\nDomain and realm report written to " . $destFile."\n";

Disable Authentication and Authorization Event Processing

The following script checks all the rules for each realm in the policy store. If no rules in a realm are triggered by authentication events, the script then checks whether authentication event processing is enabled for the realm. If it is, the script disables authentication event processing for the realm. The script performs the same checks for authorization events.

To simplify the example, realms in the domains are known not to have child realms.

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

$policyapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $policyapi‑>CreateSession("adminid", "adminpwd");

$auAction=0; # Initialize flag for authentication actions
$azAction=0; # Initialize flag for authorization actions
$auChange="";# Realms with a changed auth event processing property
$azChange="";# Realms with a changed az event processing property

foreach $domain(@domains) {
   foreach $realm(@realms) {
      foreach $rule(@rules) {
         if ($rule‑>Action()=~/OnAuth./ ) {
         if ($rule‑>Action()=~/OnAccess./ ) {
      if($auAction==0) {
         if($realm‑>ProcessAuEvents()==1) {
            $auChange=$auChange.$domain‑>Name().": ";
      else { $auAction=0; }
      if($azAction==0) {
         if($realm‑>ProcessAzEvents()==1) {
            $azChange=$azChange.$domain‑>Name().": ";
      else { $azAction=0; }

if ($auChange ne "") {
   print "Stopped auth event processing for these realms:\n";
   print $auChange . "\n\n";
if ($auChange ne "") {
   print "Stopped az event processing for these realms:\n";
   print $azChange . "\n";

Manage Policy Server Load Distribution

To help prevent service interruptions, SiteMinder includes a failover feature. If the primary Policy Server fails and failover is enabled, a backup Policy Server takes over policy operations. Beginning with SiteMinder v6.0, failover can occur not only between Policy Servers, but between groups, or clusters, of Policy Servers.

The cluster functionality also improves server performance by providing dynamic load balancing between the servers in a cluster. With dynamic load balancing, policy operations are automatically distributed between the available servers in a cluster according to the performance capabilities of each server.

A host configuration can be associated with one or more Policy Servers, or with one or more clusters of Policy Servers, depending on how you define your host configuration object:

Note: You cannot mix clustered and non-clustered servers in a host configuration.

Cluster Configuration

A cluster is stored in a host configuration object. Cluster failover occurs according to the following configuration values set in PolicyMgtHostConfig:

When All Clusters Fail

If the number of available servers falls below the failover threshold in all clusters within a host configuration, policy operations do not stop. Requests are sent to the first cluster in the cluster sequence that has at least one available server.

For example, suppose a host configuration has two clusters—C1 containing three servers, and C2 containing five servers. The failover threshold for the host configuration is set at 60 percent. The following table shows the minimum number of servers that must be available within each cluster:


Servers in Cluster

Percentage Failover Threshold

Numeric Failover Threshold (Minimum Available Servers)









If the number of available servers falls below the threshold in each cluster, so that C1 has no available servers and C2 has just two, the next incoming request will be dispatched to a C2 server with the best response time. After at least two of the three C1 servers are repaired, subsequent requests are load-balanced among the available C1 servers.

Agent API v6 is backwards-compatible with Agent API v5, allowing complete interoperability between v5/v6 agents and the v5/v6 Agent APIs.

Example: Create a host configuration

The following code creates a host configuration object and adds a number of clusters and servers:

use Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI;

# Initialize the Policy Management API and create a Host Config object.
$pmgtapi = Netegrity::PolicyMgtAPI‑>New();
$session = $pmgtapi‑>CreateSession("SiteMinder", "password");
$hostconf = $session‑>CreateHostConfig("host", "description",
                                              false, 2, 2, 1, 30);
# Add two non-cluster servers. The Az, Auth and Acct ports are
# specified.
$hostconf‑>AddServer("", 44443, 44442, 44441);
$hostconf‑>AddServer("", 44443, 44442, 44441);

# Add two clusters with two servers in each cluster. One Policy
# Server port number is specified.
$clusterconf1 = $hostconf‑>AddCluster();
$clusterconf1‑>AddServer("", 44443);
$clusterconf1‑>AddServer("", 44443);

$clusterconf2 = $hostconf‑>AddCluster();
$clusterconf2‑>AddServer("", 44443);
$clusterconf2‑>AddServer("", 44443);

# Print configuration of all non-cluster servers in the Host
# Config object
@servers = $hostconf‑>GetAllServers();
foreach $server (@servers) {
	$address = $server‑>GetServerAddress();
	@ports = $server‑>GetServerPort();
	print("Server: $address,@ports[0],@ports[1],@ports[2]\n");

# Print all cluster servers
@clusters = $hostconf‑>GetAllClusters();
foreach $cluster (@clusters) {
	foreach $server ($cluster‑>GetAllServers()) {
	$address = $server‑>GetServerAddress();
	$port = $server‑>GetServerPort();
	print("Cluster $num Server: $address,$port\n");

# Remove all clusters and non-cluster servers from host configuration