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Sequence of Calls

To move objects from a source policy store to a target policy store, call the following methods in the order shown below:

The following steps describe these calls in more detail:

  1. CreateDataManager(). This method creates the data manager object (PolicyMgtDataMgr) for the export operation. The method is called from a PolicyMgtSession object. It generates two export files with the following default names:
  2. Export(). After creating the PolicyMgtDataMgr object at the source site, call Export() to export the specified object data and the source-site configuration information to the two export files.
  3. If you are using separate scripts for the export and import operations, call CreateDataManager() from the import script to create the data manager object for the import operation.
  4. Import(). The import call imports the data in the migration.smdif file (its default name) into the target data store. Optionally, you can specify the following information:

Optionally, you can set flags to fine-tune the export and import operations.

The PolicyMgtDataMgr object provides several methods for setting export and import flags. To change a flag setting, call the associated method before calling Export() or Import().

After you set a flag, the flag retains that setting throughout the current instance of the PolicyMgtDataMgr object unless you reset the flag.

The following table describes the methods that set export and import flags:


Applies to




Export passwords and shared secrets in encrypted form or as clear text. Default is 0 (exported data is encrypted).



Include or exclude object dependencies in an export or import operation. Default is 1 (include dependencies).

Dependencies are objects that the current object depends on. For example, an agent object is a dependency for a realm object.

Child objects, such as the realms in a domain, are always included when the parent object is imported or exported.



Overwrite or protect existing objects in the target data store during an import operation. Default is 1 (overwrite existing objects).

CreateDataManager() provides a flag for protecting or overwriting existing data and configuration files during export operations.